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Remembering November 11th

Heroes Remember

Remembering November 11th

Interviewer: What does November 11th mean to you? Well, first of all, with me, I have … I have three beers on that day. first thing. And that's for my buddies, the ones that were close to me, Bill, Stone, and Kopache. And then the rest is remembering all the other fellas. But those three fellas is who I have the beer for. And I've been doing that … I've only missed one year in 57 years, and that was when I first came in here. I turned around, and I come downstairs, and I got lost. I couldn't find my way back again. When I went up, I wouldn't come back down again. And it was … November the 11th had come, and I didn't worry too much, because I had to go back in on the 15th to have the second leg off, so I … But other than that, oh, we look forward in here. But it's getting very close. I think now, I'm the only Korean Veteran in here. There was a couple of others, a couple moved out. A couple of them died, you know.

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