Layout of a Convoy
Heroes Remember
Layout of a Convoy
The convoy was usually made up of columns of ships with the most
important cargos being in the centre of the convoy. And on the
centre column, they might have two more columns either side of
it. And the convoy commander was in the lead ship of the centre
column which contained the ships with ammunition, air plane
parts, gasoline, diesel and all the important stuff was right in
the centre. And the outer two were made up of food stuffs,
clothing, maybe other materials and that. So, actually,
basically, when you looked at it, they were expendable - to keep
them away from the centre convoy. We were on outside the convoy
on the zigzag course. We’d zig out for a certain length of
time, all the time sweeping with our Aztec ahead. And then a
certain length, you’d sweep back in. So the escort group were
always ahead of the convoy and beside it and astern. And just
trying to protect it, listen for the submarines and if they came
up, try and drive them back down again because they were slower
under water than they were on the surface, on the diesels.
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