Whenever I perspired, it was yellow.
Heroes Remember
Whenever I perspired, it was yellow.
This is the shell gas, you know, and it took my eyes,
my breathing, sickened my stomach.
So I just had to be pulled out of the trenches,
that's all, and taken down to Camerse (sp)
General hospital there. They looked after me.
But I wasn't bad enough that they
didn't send me over to England.
I was always wanting to get a blighty,
I called a blighty. The doc says,
“God, there's so many casualties
coming through, Ford,” he said,
“I think probably a little treatment here
will fix you up alright.”
But as I pointed out to you,
I still had it in my system long after I come home.
You know, wherever I perspired that yellow ...
but I went to a specialist here, a blood specialist.
And I got treated with a B12, I think.
It was about three or four times a week,
and it sort of brought me back.
Then, I took part a lot in sports.
So with my perspiring,
I pretty well got it out of my system.
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