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Duty as a Supply Officer

Heroes Remember

Duty as a Supply Officer

As a Supply Officer on base, see we had warehousing and stock control for example. Stock control were the people who were responsible to get the part. My first job was warehousing. The stock control people would get it in, my job would be to store it, know where it is, identify it, so on and so forth, and get it to whomever needs it when required. We would maintain the aircraft by, they ensured the bits and pieces, parts, whatever available to do a repair or we know how to get a part within x number of days due to the operational requirement, they called it. If there was some air craft on the ground, so we need a part by tomorrow. So we have to go through special procedures to get it in from where ever within the time frame.

Mr. Seale explains the structure of obtaining supplies and the maintenance of aircraft equipment.

Donald “Carl” Seale

Mr. Seale was born in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1935. His parents came to Canada in the early twenties from Barbados in search of a better life and were successful in owning and operating a wholesale and retail fish exporting company. He is the fifth child from a family of eight. Talented in sports as a youngster, Mr. Seale received a hockey scholarship and opportunity to attend Clarkson College, now Clarkson University. He studied Business Administration, and received a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree. At age 27 Mr. Seale terminated studies at St. Mary’s University, resigned from his Public Service position and entered the Royal Canadian Air Force as a Commissioned Officer.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Donald “Carl” Seale
War, Conflict or Mission:
Canadian Armed Forces
Air Force
Flying Officer
Supply Officer

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