Parachutes to Pants
Heroes Remember
Parachutes to Pants
Clothing, they were wearing the same clothes day after day.
And I found it funny, I used to go on foot patrol and I used to
see a lot of people wearing the same colour, like all a drab,
and I’d say “Well, are they in the military?” And then what it
was I found out, what they used to do, this is human
instinct, this is them taking over during hard times. What they
used to do is go out to the drop zones, sometimes being fired
at by the Serbs, steal American parachutes and make pants and
shirts for them, for their kids. And everybody would be walking
around Srebenica with these camouflage pants on and I thought
that they were military uniforms but they were handmade by the
women and this is how they clothed their kids and I’m going my
goodness, gracious. To watch a food convoy come into town,
they had to be, we had to meet it at the checkpoint, Serb
checkpoint, to bring it in and it was chaos. It was chaos. You
had, it was no slowing down, you had to just gun it all you can
to get down the street because people would be
throwing themselves out in front of the vehicle. I mean
it was just chaos, I mean. Then from there it would be
distributed by the UN people, mainly the Blue Cross,
or the Red Cross people that were there with us. But it was
just to look at that and see it was, my goodness.
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