Record of Discussion - 25 April 2024

25 April 2024
14:00-15:30 ET

Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams

Care and Support Advisory Group Members

  • Mary Boutette, The Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre (Member Co-Chair)
  • Alexa Pasha, Royal Canadian Legion
  • Major (Retired) Bruce Henwood, National Council of Veteran Associations
  • Second Lieutenant (Retired) Walter Callaghan, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto
  • Marie-Andrée Malette, Canadian Caregivers Brigade
  • Sergeant (Retired) Andrea Newton
  • Major (Retired) Jorma Hamalainen, NATO Veterans Organization of Canada
  • Lieutenant Navy (Retired) Sylvain Bouliane,


  • Reverend Ken MacLaren
  • Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class (Retired) Debbie Eisan, Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones
  • Major (Retired) Linda Lander, Canadian Military Intelligence Association
  • Captain (Retired) Rod Holowaty, Zone Commander Legion District 3 Zone 1

Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs

  • Jonathan Wiseman, Special Assistant, Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs
  • Tabea De Vries, Special Assistant, Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs

Veterans Affairs Canada officials

  • Jane Hicks, A/Director General, Service Delivery and Program Management (Veterans Affairs Canada Co-Chair)
  • Kristy McGuigan, Senior Advisor, Community Engagement
  • Elizabeth Hughes, Project Officer, Community Engagement
  • Megan MacKinnon, Program Operations Assistant, Community Engagement


  • Brownwyn Rodd, Office of the Veterans Ombud

Land Acknowledgement

The Member Co-Chair opened the meeting by offering a land acknowledgement indicating that she is located on the unceded and traditional territory of the Anishinabe people.

Opening Remarks and Approval of previous Record of Discussion

The VAC Co-Chair welcomed all the members to the meeting and acknowledged the Stakeholder Summit and Women’s Forum events held in March. The January 2024 Record of Discussion was tabled and accepted by the members.

Debrief from National Stakeholder Summit / Women Veterans Forum

The Member Co-Chair gave a brief overview of the four day National Stakeholder Summit and Women Veterans Forum. The events provided a platform for stakeholder engagement, panel discussion, dialogue and presentations. The panel discussions focused on the key priorities of the Ministerial Advisory Groups and in particular, the panel discussion on homelessness was insightful with great engagement.

The members noted that the event was very well-received and shared positive feedback on the Minister’s presence as well as Indigenous representation – especially the Sharing Circle. Members noted that there was not as large of a Canadian Armed Forces presence as expected, that additional moderation could be used at times, and that the two back-to-back forums was quite lengthy to some attendees.

The VAC Co-Chair acknowledged that the events provided a rich discussion and that Veterans Affairs Canada is following up on questions and concerns that arose. A final report is currently being developed, with plans to be shared in Fall 2024.

Priority 1: Homelessness Themes / Draft Recommendations

The Member Co-Chair reviewed the key themes related to Veteran Homelessness and opened the floor to the members for discussion. The group agreed on the following themes:

  • Immense Need – to address the issue of homelessness among Veterans, and to improve knowledge and delivery of services to bridge the gaps.
  • Relationships First – to provide personalized support for each Veteran by meeting them where they are, building relationships, establish and maintain trust and offer in-person services.
  • Bricks and Mortar and Wrap Around Services – A variety of housing options that provide physical and social supports are necessary and to address gaps after a Veteran is housed. Housing First and harm reduction approaches stabilize and empower Veterans to address underlying issues.
  • Intersectionality – Ensure services are accessible and culturally-appropriate for Indigenous Veterans and take into consideration Veterans living in rural and remote areas. Further ensure services are accessible and tailored to women and 2SLGBTQI+ Veterans.
  • Prevention and Upstream Solutions – Education, identification, support services and sustaining contact after service are crucial in preventing homelessness. There is an opportunity to educate serving members and social and health service providers.
  • Partnership - There are several organizations that work to reduce Veteran homelessness, and connecting them could enhance their impact. Veterans Affairs Canada can assist in linking organizations together. It is essential to note that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and different models are required.
  • Access – Veterans facing homelessness and their support networks should have a single point of contact at Veterans Affairs Canada whom they can contact immediately for assistance. A comment on a VAC Tiger Team or a ‘Street Service Agent’ was made by a member as a possible way to connect with Veterans facing homelessness.

Next Steps and Closing Remarks

Members are encouraged to submit their specific recommendations on Homelessness by 1 May. The Co-Chairs will circulate them to the members, along with the Life Course Trajectory 2017 for review prior to the next meeting. The VAC Co-Chair will work to plan another meeting in May to discuss Continuity of Care and the Veterans Independence Program, and will also provide any updates on the Aging In Place research. The VAC Co-Chair thanked the members for a fruitful discussion and looks forward to the next meeting.