Record of Discussion – 21 July 2022

21 July 2022
13:30 – 15:00 (ET)

Participant List

Mental Health Advisory Group Members

  • Sergeant (Retired) Michael Blais, Canadian Veterans Advocacy
  • Dave Gallson, Mood Disorders Society of Canada
  • Trevor Jenvenne, Royal Canadian Legion
  • Corporal (Retired) Victoria Jonas
  • Captain (Retired) Tarik Kadri
  • Dennis MacKenzie, Brave and Broken
  • Don Richardson, Canadian Psychiatric Association
  • Maya Roth
  • Dr Gail Wideman


  • Sapper (Retired) Aaron Bedard
  • Karen Cohen, Canadian Psychological Association
  • Ed Mantler, Mental Health Commission of Canada
  • Warrant Officer (Retired) Brian McKenna
  • Captain (Retired) Robert Thibeau, Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones
  • Captain (Navy) Iain Beck, Director of Mental Health Services, Canadian Armed Forces

Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs

  • Matt Mann, Director of Parliamentary Affairs, Minister’s Office

Veterans Affairs Canada Officials

  • Cyd Courchesne, Chief Medical Officer, Health Professionals Division (Co-chair)
  • Karen Rose, Senior Analyst, Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach, Communications Division


  • Sonia Poirier, Office of the Veterans Ombudsman

Opening Remarks

(Members of all six Ministerial Advisory Groups met in plenary and the Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs brought greetings. Members were then transferred to the meeting of the Mental Health Advisory Group.)

  • The Acting Director General, Communications welcomed the participants to the virtual meeting and introduced the Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs.
  • The Deputy Minister welcomed the members and acknowledged that the land from which he was speaking is unceded Mi’kmaq territory he also acknowledged the ancestral and unceded territory of all Inuit, Métis, and First Nations people and took a moment to recognize the importance of these lands that we all call home.
  • He spoke to the renewal of the advisory groups that was launched in 2021 and the great response with over 125 applications. He indicated that there was a greater focus on diversity and that today we kick off a new series of meetings with 33 new members and many members that are continuing.
  • The Deputy spoke to the goals of the six Ministerial Advisory Groups and highlighted the focus on Veterans and their families. He reinforced the members roles and responsibilities to provide advice, insight and recommendations to the Minister of Veterans Affairs. He also indicated that the Minister is looking forward to gathering with the members in the fall.
  • He noted the importance of hearing from the members and the community in order to understand the issues and areas where we need to improve. He talked about how the advice from the advisory groups has influenced many significant Government of Canada initiatives, including improvements in service delivery, mental health supports, supports for families and survivors, and reduced complexity in accessing benefits.
  • He thanked everyone for their participation.
  • The VAC Co-chairs were introduced, and the members were transferred to their individual advisory group meeting.

Mental Health Advisory Group Meeting

Roundtable Introductions

  • The VAC Co-chair opened the meeting and began by recognizing and thanking the former co-chairs; Joel Fillion, former VAC co-chair had recently retired and Glynne Hines, member co-chair from the Royal Canadian Legion retired in 2021.
  • Each member introduced themselves and provided a brief background information.

Review of the Terms of Reference

  • The VAC Co-chair lead the review of the Terms of Reference and highlighted the following:
    • Role and expectations
    • Code of Conduct and creating a safe space to bring ideas, and respect for all points of view.
    • Selection of a member co-chair at the next meeting. Co-chairs will serve a two-year term. Asked members to consider putting their names forward or nominating another member.
    • Intent to hold three meetings per year with a set schedule so that members will know well in advance.
    • Records of discussion will be prepared and published on the VAC website.


  • Future meetings will be virtual or in-person depending on restrictions and health measures in place. Noted that the Department will work with members to organize their travel and coordinate other details.
  • Conflict of interest situations were raised as some members indicated that they worked for organizations that receive funds from the Department. The VAC co-chair was open to discussing their specific circumstances and indicated that the advisory group benefits from the knowledge, expertise and experience gained from their involvement with these organizations that support Veterans or provide research on Veterans. It was also referenced that their work and experience would have been outlined on their application.

Forward Agenda

  • The VAC Co-chair led a discussion on the forward agenda and areas and priorities the members may want to address going forward. The discussion included:
  • Consultation on a new Mental Health Strategy.
  • Differences in services provided to RCMP and CAF as a possible forward agenda item.
  • Providing an overview of past accomplishments so new members are aware of some of the issues previously addressed. Accomplishments mentioned included input to the Joint Canadian Armed Forces/Veterans Affairs Canada Suicide Prevention Strategy and the two Centres of Excellence – Chronic Pain Centre of Excellence for Canadian Veterans and the Centre of Excellence on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Related Mental Health Conditions now known as the Atlas Institute for Veterans and Families.
  • New Mental Health benefit that provides immediate mental health coverage to Veterans applying for a disability benefit for certain mental health conditions. A number of members spoke to their positive experience with this change and being able to treat immediately. It was agreed that some statistics gathered on use and success of the new Mental Health benefit would be shared.
  • Discussion on the use of medical and recreational cannabis and other emerging and evidence-based therapies and treatments for Veterans.

Next Step and Closing Remarks

  • Members were encouraged to consider any outstanding areas from past discussions and identify new priorities or gaps in programs and services to consider for the forward agenda.
  • Also noted that the Minister may have some specific issues for the group to focus on.
  • Members were thanked for their participation.