Record of discussion – 16 March 2023

Thursday, March 16, 2023
11:00 - 15:00 (ET)
In-person at 66 Slater Street, Ottawa
Virtual via Microsoft Teams

Policy advisory group

  • Lieutenant (Retired) Carolyn Hughes, Royal Canadian Legion
  • Sergeant (Retired) Kim Hendricken, RCMP Veterans Association
  • Major (Retired) Mark Campbell
  • Brigadier General (Retired) Joe Sharpe
  • Brian Forbes, National Council of Veteran Associations in Canada (Co-chair)
  • Captain (Retired) Dennis Leblanc
  • Master Warrant Officer (Retired) William MacDonald
  • Sailor 1st class (Retired) Scott White


  • Nathan Svenson, Director Research, Policy and Research Division
  • Christina Hutchins, Senior Director, Office of Women and 2SLGBTQI+ Veterans, Policy and Research Division

Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs

  • Sarah Cozzi, Director of Policy, Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs


  • Master Corporal (Retired) Keith McAllister, Veterans UN-NATO Canada
  • Lieutenant Commander (Retired) Lori Buchart
  • Tim Goddard
  • Sergeant (Retired) Catherine Bergeron
  • Duane Shippers, Deputy Veterans Ombuds, OVO
  • Commodore Dan Bouchard

Veterans Affairs Canada Officials

  • Mitch Freeman, Director General, Policy and Research Division
  • Pamela Harrison, Senior Director, Engagements and Events, Communications and Public Affairs
  • Lisa Matte, Project Monitoring Officer, Engagements and Events, Communications and Public Affairs
  • Tyler Crane, A/Senior Director Health Care Benefits, Policy and Research Division
  • Dennis Manning, Senior Director, Financial, Re-establishment Benefits, Policy and Research Division
  • Tammy MacWilliams, A/Director, Transition and Program Support, Service Delivery and Program Management Division


  • Laura Kelly, Director, Strategic Review and Analysis, Office of the Ombud

Land acknowledgement

  • The VAC co-chair gave a land acknowledgement indicating that meeting was taking place on the unceded territory of the Algonquin people.

Opening remarks

  • The VAC co-chair opened the meeting with introductory remarks and welcomed new and returning members to the table.
  • The VAC co-chair highlighted that the group is well positioned to provide recommendations to the Minister regarding Veteran Benefits. They highlighted aspects that have been previously discussed at past PAG meetings, though stressed the importance of concentrating on the issues facing Veterans today, in 2023. It will be important that the advisory group consider recommendations that are succinct and provide immediate resolution to a problem being faced today.

Update on appointment of co-chair

  • Following a vote by the advisory group meeting in the fall of 2022, Brian Forbes was selected to serve as co-chair of the Policy advisory group. Additionally, as there are usually two member co-chairs, an invitation was made at this meeting to other members of the advisory committee, asking if they would like to put their names forward for consideration as co-chairs. Dennis Leblanc was nominated and accepted the role.

Review of policy advisory actions

  • The objective of the advisory group is to emphasize an overview of the most important recommendations and to discuss how the group would want to proceed in order to produce a comprehensive offering of programs and services for Veterans, such as;
    • Additional compensation benefits for greater financial stability
    • The definition and implementation of the One Veteran One Standard concept
    • Family Supports inclusive of spouses and dependents
    • Employment.

New business – Plenary discussions

Census 2021 overview

  • Veterans' demographic information and family composition were among the topics covered by the Policy and Research Division's Director of Research in a presentation based on the 2021 Census. Data on the Indigenous population's demographic make-up was also presented for the first time.

Gender equity in policy

  • The Senior Director of the Office of Women and 2SLGBTQI+ Veterans spoke on the topic of Gender Equity in Policy. While the 2021 Census data has been received well, one member of the advisory group indicated a need for further considerations pertaining to the female anatomy in terms of equipment, uniforms, etc.

Forward policy agenda

  • The Senior Director Health Care Benefits summarized various family supports, highlighting their importance during a Veteran's transition and the consequences of ignoring them. An Advisory Group member voiced concern and that a review of the definition of family be further investigated. They also noted that a member's family should also be entitled to various benefits in their own right in order to provide sufficient supports to the member and to themselves.


  • The group was provided an overview of employment supports for transitioning members by the Acting Director of Transition and Program Support and the Manager of the Veterans Employment Unit. The goal of the employment unit is to link Veterans with suitable employers so that they may make meaningful contributions to the civilian labour force, and to provide Veterans with helpful resources to aid in their job search.

Program knowledge and communications

  • Several members highlighted concern regarding the complexity of VAC programs, their community awareness, processing times of benefits, and the temporary nature of resources.

Closing remarks/Next steps

  • A tentative date of June was decided for the next face to face meeting. Agenda topics were discussed but will be further defined in future conversations. The meeting will utilize the entire day to ensure sufficient discussion time for agenda items.
  • The Minister’s Office expressed their appreciation for the work of the Advisory Group, and emphasized their shared commitment to providing the best possible services and support to Canadian Veterans. The co-chairs indicated that the conversation is appreciated and that Advisory Groups are important to Veterans and families. Departmental staff were thanked for their continued support.