Action through investment

Organizations, funded by Veterans Affairs Canada, working to improve the health and well-being of Veterans and their families.

The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre

Mental health determinants and help-seeking needs of women Veterans throughout the stages of life.

Continuing outreach to Veterans and their families with an innovative approach to well-being.

An online health promotion program to support the physical and mental health of women Veterans and their families to help them recover from the social isolation of the pandemic.

Fondation Québécoise des Vétérans

The funding will be used to help reduce the rate of isolation and suicide among women Veterans by encouraging local organizations to provide resources tailored to their unique needs.

The project will provide suicide prevention training to community members and organizations that work with Veterans. Veterans will also have access to 24/7 crisis services and community education.

The project will expand program delivery, peer support, navigator services, and crisis-intervention through the use of digital engagement technology.

This three-year project aims to expand neuromodulation interventions to a broader network of patients with PTSD, anxiety, addiction and depression.

Funding to provide community-based multidisciplinary, multi-modal, individualized and culturally sensitive trauma treatment for Indigenous Veterans and women Veterans.

The project will provide Veterans suffering from PTSD a five-day counselling, psychoeducation, structured reflection, life review method, group discussion facilitated by two clinicians, Life Experience Peer Couple, and six months of Life Coaching.