Disability Pensions for Veterans of the Allied Forces of World War II

Issuing Authority:Director General, Policy
Effective Date:
Document ID:1142

Care has been taken to ensure these policies accurately reflect the acts and regulations. Should any inconsistencies be found, the acts and regulations will prevail.

This policy replaces the following PPM policies: Article 65 - Supplementary Pensions - World War II; Article 66 - Supplementary Pensions - Allied Forces - World War II.


The following policy provides guidance in the adjudication of disability pension applications submitted by, or in respect of, individuals domiciled in Canada on the date of commencement of World War II, who served in the Commonwealth or Allied forces during World War II.


Date of Application

  1. The date of application is the date an applicant first approached the British Commonwealth, Allied government, or the Canadian authorities for pension entitlement in respect of a condition for which entitlement is subsequently granted by any of the authorities concerned.
  2. Where the date an applicant first approached the British Commonwealth, Allied government, or the Canadian authorities is not known, the date of application is the date that one of these authorities renders a decision.

Effective Date

  1. The effective date of any award authorized under section 66 of the Pension Act will be determined under the provisions of section 39 or 56 of the Act in a like manner as claims granted under the provisions of section 21 of the Act for members of the Canadian Armed Forces and section 21.1 for members of the Merchant Navy.

Countries Allied With His Majesty During World War II

  1. The following countries were allied with His Majesty during World War II:
    1. Argentina
    2. Australia
    3. Belgium
    4. Bolivia
    5. Brazil
    6. Chile
    7. China
    8. Colombia
    9. Costa Rica
    10. Cuba
    11. Czechoslovakia
    12. Denmark
    13. Dominican Republic
    14. Ecuador
    15. Egypt
    16. El Salvador
    17. Ethiopia
    18. France
    19. Greece
    20. Guatemala
    21. Haiti
    22. Honduras
    23. India
    24. Iran
    25. Iraq
    26. Lebanon
    27. Liberia
    28. Luxembourg
    29. Mexico
    30. Netherlands
    31. New Zealand
    32. Nicaragua
    33. Norway
    34. Panama
    35. Paraguay
    36. Peru
    37. Philippines
    38. Poland
    39. Saudi Arabia
    40. Syria
    41. Turkey
    42. Union of South Africa
    43. United Kingdom
    44. United States
    45. Uruguay
    46. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
    47. Venezuela
    48. Yugoslavia


Pension Act, sections 39, 56, 66, 67, 68, 69, and 70