Periodical Declarations

Issuing Authority:Director General, Policy
Effective Date:
Document ID:1138

Care has been taken to ensure these policies accurately reflect the acts and regulations. Should any inconsistencies be found, the acts and regulations will prevail.

This policy replaces the following PPM policy: Article 21(8) - Periodical Declarations.

Table of Contents


The purpose of this policy is to provide direction on the requirements of a pensioner to submit periodic declarations.



  1. The Minister has the responsibility to ensure the integrity of client data and entitlement.
  2. The Department has the authority to require pensioners to submit, on a periodic basis, a declaration, verifying that:
    1. the person who is receiving pension is the person to whom pension was awarded;
    2. an individual is that person's eligible survivor;
    3. that any person(s) for whom additional pension is being paid are still living; and/or
    4. that the pensioner is maintaining or being maintained by the person(s) for whom additional pension is being paid.
  3. Should the pensioner (or his/her representative) be unable or unwilling to complete this periodical declaration, the relevant information may be verified by a Departmental representative. In these cases, a signed declaration by the pensioner is not required.
  4. If the Department has exhausted all approved procedures regarding the retrieval of this information, the Department may suspend future payments until the information is confirmed, either by the pensioner, by his/her representative, or by a Departmental representative.


Pension Act, subsection 21(8)