Vehicle Modifications (POC 13)

Issuing Authority:Director General, Policy
Effective Date:
Document ID:1058

Care has been taken to ensure these policies accurately reflect the acts and regulations. Should any inconsistencies be found, the acts and regulations will prevail.

This policy replaces the following VPPM 2 policy: 2.2.23 Vehicle Modifications.


This policy provides direction on the provision of vehicle modifications for eligible clients.



  1. The objective of the Treatment Benefits Program is to ensure that clients are provided, in accordance with their treatment eligibility, with reasonable and timely health care benefits which the Department considers to be an appropriate response to their health need.
  2. The objective of this policy is to financially assist those clients who require special features on their vehicles which are not considered to be standard equipment and which are necessitated by the client’s health condition.
  3. All approved vehicle modifications must be recommended by a health professional to be effective and appropriate for ensuring safe access to, exit from, and operation of vehicles by eligible clients.
  4. Pre-authorization of vehicle modifications must be obtained.


  1. Clients eligible to receive treatment benefits are eligible to receive vehicle modifications if they have a health need for the modifications.

Provincial Licensing Requirements

  1. Where the Department has authorized modifications to a vehicle, the Department may pay for any costs reasonably related to these modifications (e.g. special license plates).  Eligible costs are those which are over and above the normal costs of owning a vehicle, and may include driver training fees and costs related to the use of simulators and other specialized equipment, as well as administrative fees and travel costs.

Payment for Vehicle Modifications

  1. Payment may be made for vehicle modifications when the client is the principal driver of the vehicle if:
    1. the client is authorized, by the appropriate provincial authorities, to drive the vehicle;
    2. the vehicle modifications clearly address the client’s assessed health needs;
    3. the option has been recommended by a recognized medical authority; and
    4. the owner of the vehicle, if not the client, consents in writing to the modifications and is aware of the requirements of this policy.
  2. Payment may be made for vehicle modifications when the client is a passenger in the vehicle if:
    1. alternate transportation services (i.e. special handicap services) or a practical solution to the client’s transportation needs, are not available;
    2. where the client is not the owner, the vehicle would be a reliable source of transportation for the client; and
    3. the owner of the vehicle consents in writing to the modifications and understands the requirements of this policy.
  3. Payment may be authorized for modifications for no more than one vehicle per client in a four-year period.

Factory-installed Vehicle Modifications

  1. Payment may be made for factory-installed vehicle modifications, if the client is paying a premium to have this feature included. Payment for factory installed standard equipment will not be considered for reimbursement.

Modified Used Vehicles

  1. Payment for modifications of a used vehicle, which has been modified prior to purchase, will be considered for reimbursement if the cost of the modified vehicle exceeds the standard cost of the same vehicle without such modifications.
  2. The used vehicle being modified must reasonably be expected to be viable, reliable transportation for a period of four years. For example, modifications to an already old vehicle could be a questionable investment.

Retrofitted Vehicle Modifications

  1. When modifications to a vehicle already owned by the client (rather than as a feature on a new vehicle) are required, the Department may pay the reasonable costs of the planned work. This requirement would be satisfied through obtaining two quotations.

Servicing and Repair

  1. The Department will provide payment for repair charges relating only to the authorized modifications which may arise from time to time. However, regularly scheduled servicing of a vehicle equipped with such modifications is the client's responsibility. Where it is evident that the repair to a particular modification is required as a result of faulty installation, the Department will not be responsible for the repair costs.


Veterans Health Care Regulations

Power Mobility Equipment (POC 13)