

2020 Infographic

  • The 2020 VAC National Client survey found that:
    • 80% of individuals are satisfied with the quality of programs and services.
    • 69% of participants are satisfied with their overall well-being
  • The 2020 Client survey indicates that many respondents have a higher level of satisfaction with VAC programs and services and the quality of service they receive compared to the 2017 survey.
    • Many participants positively rated their physical and mental health in both the 2017 and 2020 survey, this has remained stable.
  • Survey results suggest that Indigenous Veterans and visible minorities are less satisfied with VAC programs and services than other Veterans, CAF and RCMP members and survivors. We will focus on these groups as areas for analysis and improvement in light of the survey results.
  • We will also focus on Veterans under the age of 65, particularly those who are case-managed, as an area of analysis and improvement. These Veterans report less satisfaction in several areas.