2022 VAC National Client Survey - Results

2022 VAC National Client Survey - Results


Every two years, Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) surveys individuals who receive benefits and services from the department including War Service Veterans, Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans and members, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) members and former members, and Survivors. The VAC National Client Survey (the Survey) seeks to determine how satisfied participants are with the VAC programs, benefits and services they receive. Additionally, the Survey gathers information from clients on their overall health and well-being. The Survey results provide information that the Department uses to improve service delivery and program development based on identified needs.

Forum Research Inc., an independent Canadian research firm, conducted the 2022 VAC National Client Survey. In addition to the standard telephone interview method for data collection, the 2022 Survey introduced a new accessible alternative by providing participants with the option to respond online. Results of the Survey can be viewed on the Library and Archives Canada Web site.

Key messages

  • VAC National Client Surveys gauge the satisfaction levels of those who have recently applied for or receive VAC programs, benefits and services. The Survey also measures their self-reported health and well-being.
  • This Survey is one of the ways VAC is renewing how we engage and communicate with Veterans and others we serve about the programs and services that support their well‑being.
  • The 2022 VAC National Client Survey indicates that:
    • In general, respondents are satisfied with VAC programs and services and the quality of service they receive from the Department. This is in keeping with the results from the 2020 Survey.
    • 78% of respondents were satisfied with the quality of service delivery.
    • 79% of respondents agreed that VAC staff were knowledgeable, competent and provided a satisfactory service;
    • 77% of respondents say VAC staff treated them exceptionally well.

Questions and Answers

  1. What was the purpose of this survey?
  2. Who conducted the Survey?
  3. How was this firm chosen?
  4. What was the cost of the Survey?
  5. When was the Survey conducted?
  6. How many participants were interviewed?
  7. What are the Survey’s findings?
  8. How are you going to assist Veterans with lower satisfaction rates?
  9. Are there any differences in the responses based on gender?
  10. How will you use the results?
  11. How do the results compare to the 2020 National Client Survey?
  12. Where can I find results from the previous VAC National Client Survey?

Q1. What was the purpose of this survey?

A1. The Survey is conducted every two years to provide information on the health and well-being of Veterans and other individuals we serve, and collects feedback directly from clients on their satisfaction with VAC programs, benefits, services and service delivery.

Surveys are one of the ways VAC engages and communicates with Veterans and others we serve about the programs, benefits and services that support their well-being.

Q2. Who conducted the survey?

A2. Forum Research Inc., an independent Canadian research firm, was contracted to conduct the Survey on behalf of VAC.

Q3. How was this firm chosen?

A3. For 2022, this was an extension of the contract Forum Research Inc. was awarded in 2020.

Q4. What was the cost of the Survey?

A4. The value of this contract was $188,190.00.

Q5. When was the Survey conducted?

A5. The Survey had two components – a pre-test phase and then general survey interviews.These interviews were conducted between June and August 2022.

Q6. How many participants were interviewed?

A6. The Survey included responses from a randomized sample of 3,427 individuals who had recently applied for or were in receipt of VAC benefits or services. This included Veterans, currently serving CAF and RCMP members and Survivors. Respondents were provided the option to participate by telephone interview or by completing the survey online. This was the first year that this enhanced accessibility alternative was offered and nearly half of all survey participants chose this option.

Q7. What are the Survey’s findings?

A7. In general, the 2022 VAC National Client Survey found that:

  • The majority of respondents are satisfied with life in general, however, satisfaction in some areas has dropped from 2020, including their overall well-being, finances, activities, and relationship with others This is very much in line with the findings from Statistics Canada on overall health impacts Canadians experienced during this same timeframe. The pandemic has had significant impacts on the health of Canadians, in particular their mental health.
  • Veterans ages 85 and older and Survivors are the most satisfied groups
  • 78% of respondents are satisfied with the quality of service delivery
  • 79% of respondents agree that VAC staff are knowledgeable, competent and provide a satisfactory service
  • 77% of respondents say VAC staff treated them exceptionally well.
  • Survey results indicate that Indigenous and visible minority clients are less satisfied in general with VAC programs and services as well as with their overall well-being, than their counterparts.
  • The majority of respondents are satisfied with life in general, however, their satisfaction in some areas of well-being has dropped from 2020, including their overall well-being, finances, activities and relationships with others. We cannot be definitive at this time, but these results are very much in line with the findings from Statistics Canada on overall health impacts Canadians experienced during this same timeframe.
  • Indigenous and visible minority participants are less satisfied in general with VAC programs and services as well as with their overall well-being compared to others. We will continue working with other government departments serving our Indigenous and visible minority Veterans. New data from Statistics Canada will provide enhanced opportunities for analyzing the needs of these Veterans and their families. This ensures that the most comprehensive information available will continue to inform program and service improvements.  
  • We will also focus on Veterans under the age of 65, particularly those who are case-managed, as an area for focused analysis and improvement. These Veterans report less satisfaction in several areas.

Q8. How are you going to assist Veterans with lower satisfaction rates?

A8. The Survey results indicate that Indigenous and visible minority Veterans are among those less satisfied with VAC programs and services than other participants. The Survey findings also indicate that Veterans under the age of 65, particularly those who are case-managed, report they are less satisfied than other participants. Veterans Affairs Canada is committed to working with all government departments serving Indigenous and visible minority Veterans. New data linkages with Statistics Canada will provide enhanced opportunities for analyzing the needs of these clients. This ensures that the most comprehensive information available will continue to inform program evaluation and service improvements.

Veterans under 65, particularly case-managed clients, report being the least satisfied. We are equally committed to exploring the reasons for these responses and focusing on areas where we can improve service delivery for these Veterans.

Q9. Are there any differences in the responses based on gender?

A9. Gender differences are revealed in the responses received. Compared to males, females are more likely to give positive responses about their satisfaction with VAC programs, experience with VAC staff, and their relationship with others. This might be connected to the high satisfaction among Survivors, a group which is predominantly female.

Q10. How will you use the results?

A10. These survey results will help us identify opportunities to improve VAC’s programs and how we deliver our benefits and services to Veterans and their families.

Q11. How do the results compare to the 2020 VAC National Client Survey?

A11. The 2022 VAC National Client Survey results tell us those we serve are changing how they prefer to interact with VAC. The results indicate that overall satisfaction rates remain high but that there are some areas that require improvement for engagement and satisfaction. These areas include the following:

  • The 2022 Survey indicates that most respondents remain satisfied with VAC programs, benefits and services and the quality of service they receive, with the majority stating they were treated exceptionally well by VAC staff they engaged with.
  • Those we serve are changing how they want to interact, with more and more individuals looking to online channels. My VAC Account usage rose 20 percent since the 2020 Survey and nearly half of the respondents used the online survey option which was offered for the first time in the 2022 Survey.
  • Eighty-one percent of survey respondents who have a case manager state that case management services were beneficial, a slight increase from 2020.
  • Compared to the 2020 Survey, we see a ten percent decrease in satisfaction with life in general, from 76% in 2020 to 66% in 2022. This is very much in line with the findings from Statistics Canada on overall health impacts Canadians experienced during this same timeframe. The pandemic has had significant impacts on the health of Canadians, in particular their mental health.
  • While almost 70% of respondents were satisfied with VAC’s commemorative initiatives to honour Veterans and their service, we acknowledge this leaves many not satisfied with our efforts and we look forward to working with all the groups we serve to focus on ways we can collectively improve in this area over the coming years.

Q12. Where can I find results from the previous VAC National Client Survey?

A12. Results for VAC National Client Surveys conducted in 2010, 2017 and 2020 can be found on the Veterans Affairs Canada website.