Section 2: Veterans Affairs Canada’s Sustainable Development Vision

Section 2: Veterans Affairs Canada’s Sustainable Development Vision

VAC exists to assist and help those whose courageous efforts give us a legacy and contributed to our growth as a nation. The department works to provide a high standard of services and benefits to Canada’s Veterans and their families. Sustainable development is pursued within the context of this mandate.

At VAC, sustainable development means managing our programs, services and operations in a way that is environmentally, economically and socially responsible. It is also about encouraging employees to consider and apply the principles of sustainable development in their work.

Along with our vision of providing exemplary service which honors the sacrifices and achievements of our Veterans and clients, VAC is continuously finding ways to integrate sustainable development into our operations. The Department has made progress in this regard by making information and services available online and plans to continue those efforts. VAC is also looking at ways to continue decreasing the amount of paperwork required from Veterans and their families.

More specifically, VAC’s DSDS is aligned with the FSDS goals of Reducing Inequalities, Responsible Consumption and Production and Climate Action. While this DSDS focuses on incorporating these three goals into VAC’s operations, the department also undertakes a number of other initiatives that contribute to sustainable development more broadly. VAC delivers programs and services that continue to;

  • promote service excellence, through reducing processing times, supporting our most vulnerable veterans and commemorating Veterans and their families.
  • Continuously modernize, increasing use of automation/digitization and update legacy systems, improve business processes, including effective data management and supporting a hybrid work environment.
  • Care for our people by supporting employee’s health and well-being, cultivating a highly skilled, diverse and inclusive workforce and empowering and equipping employees for success.
  • It is also important to note that the department’s DSDS is one of the ways in which VAC contributes to advance 3 of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.