Section 4: Veterans Affairs Canada’s Commitments

Section 4: Veterans Affairs Canada’s Commitments

Goal 10: Advance reconciliation with indigenous peoples and take action on inequality

In Goal 10, the target “Between 2023 and 2026, and every year on an ongoing basis, develop and table annual progress reports on implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act” contains the implementation strategy:

  • Implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (UNDA) requires the Minister of Justice, in consultation and cooperation with Indigenous peoples, to report annually to Parliament on progress made to align federal laws with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (the Declaration) and on the development and implementation of the action plan (to be developed by June 2023). Organizations are asked to provide updates on departmental initiatives that align with the Declaration and/or contribute to its implementation.

Implementation Strategy Departmental Action Performance Indicator Starting Point Target How the Departmental Action Contributes to the FSDS Goal and Target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy and SDGS

Implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act

Promote Indigenous cultural competency training and/or training on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Program: UN Declaration Act Implementation Secretariat

Performance Indicator: Percentage of staff who have completed Indigenous cultural competency training (internal or external)

Starting point: Percentage of staff trained as of March 2023 = 23%

Target: 66% by March 31, 2026

Public servants are in a unique position to help build respectful relationships with Indigenous Peoples in Canada. This action encourages public service employees to increase their cultural competency skills and awareness of issues related to First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Canada, and their knowledge of the UN Declaration. This action contributes to the development of necessary cultural competency knowledge and skills to implement the UN Declaration.

Relevant targets or ambitions: GIF Target - 10.3 Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard.

Implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act

Targeted recruitment efforts to support Indigenous representation

Performance Indicator: Percentage of staff who identify as Indigenous.

Starting point: current departmental representation is 2.47%.

Target: Workforce representation target is 3.25% by January 2024; 5.7% of hires should be Indigenous people over the next three years.

Public servants are in a unique position to help build respectful relationships with Indigenous Peoples in Canada. This action encourages public service employees to increase their cultural competency skills and awareness of issues related to First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Canada, and their knowledge of the UN Declaration. This action contributes to the development of necessary cultural competency knowledge and skills to implement the UN Declaration.

Relevant targets or ambitions: GIF Target - 10.3 Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard.

Implementation strategies to support the target

This section concerns implementation strategies that support the objective “Advance reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and take steps to reduce inequalities” but not a specific FSDS target

Implementation Strategy Departmental Action Performance Indicator Starting Point Target How the Departmental Action Contributes to the FSDS Goal and Target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy and SDGS

Implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act

As part of VAC’s contribution to the Government of Canada’s reconciliation efforts, an Indigenous Veterans Team has been created to deliver Nation-to-Nation and Inuit-to-Crown consultation and engagement activities. The team will act as a focal point to effect culture change within VAC; aid in the coordination of efforts with Indigenous stakeholders and leaders; and serve as a dedicated source of expertise that will provide guidance and information on how best to meet the needs of, and engage with, Indigenous Veterans. This will enable VAC to better understand needs and develop informed and more effective policies and programs for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Veterans.

IPP to be consulted to establish Performance indicators in 1st year of strategy.

Recommended by DSDS core:
Performance Indicator:
Percentage of new/amended legislation, regulations, policies and programs that included a consultation and cooperation process with Indigenous peoples.

Starting point: New initiative started in 2023.

Target: 90% (annual)

With the passage of the UN Declaration Act, the Government of Canada must, in consultation and collaboration with Indigenous peoples, take all measures necessary to ensure that the laws of Canada are consistent with UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Relevant targets or ambitions

GIF Target - 10.3 Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard.

Goal 12: Reduce Waste and Transition to Zero-Emission Vehicles

Goal 12 has three targets:

  • By 2030, the Government of Canada will divert from landfill at least 75% by weight of non-hazardous operational waste
  • By 2030, the Government of Canada will divert from landfill at least 90% by weight of all construction and demolition waste
  • The Government of Canada’s procurement of goods and services will be net-zero emissions by 2050, to aid the transition to a net-zero, circular economy.

The targets are supported by the following three implementation strategies:

  • Transform the federal light-duty fleet (all federal organizations owning conventional fleets)
  • Strengthen green procurement criteria
  • Maximize diversion of waste from landfills (all federal organizations owning real property)

At a minimum, the implementation strategy regarding strengthening green procurement criteria applies to all organizations.

The light duty fleet implementation strategy only applies to organizations that own such vehicles. The waste diversion from landfill implementation strategies only apply to organizations that own real property facilities. It does not apply if the facilities are owned by PSPC or another building owner.

Target theme: Federal Leadership on Responsible Consumption

Target: By 2030, the Government of Canada will divert from landfill at least 75% by weight of non-hazardous operational waste (All Ministers)

Implementation Strategy Departmental Action Performance Indicator Starting Point Target How the Departmental Action Contributes to the FSDS Goal and Target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy and SDGS

Maximize diversion of waste from landfill

From 2023 to 2027 Veterans Affairs Canada will:

  • develop guidance to support the diversion of non-hazardous operational waste from landfills.
  • implement procedures to track and disclose waste diversion rates by 2027.
  • reduce the generation of non-hazardous waste.

Program: Materiel Management and Field Operations

Performance indicator:
Percentage of business units, where applicable and feasible, adopting and reporting on non-hazardous operational waste diversion practices.

Starting point:
0% of business units have fully adopted non-hazardous operational waste diversion practices as of March 2027.

0% of business units are accurately tracking/reporting diversion rates as of March 2027.

100% of business units have adopted and are reporting on, where applicable and feasible, non-hazardous operational waste diversion practices by March 2027.

Actions that reduce the generation of non-hazardous operational waste will help to reduce Scope 3 emissions for the production, transport and disposal of material. Diverting waste from landfill reduces landfill gas and transport hauling emissions. Material recovery via recycling reduces emissions for the extraction and production of virgin materials.

Relevant targets or ambitions:
CIF Ambition: Canadians consume in a sustainable manner

CIF Indicator: 12.3.1 Total waste diversion per capita

GIF Target: 12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse

Target: By 2030, the Government of Canada will divert from landfill at least 90% by weight of all construction and demolition waste (All Ministers)

Implementation Strategy Departmental Action Performance Indicator Starting Point Target How the Departmental Action Contributes to the FSDS Goal and Target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy and SDGS

Maximize diversion of waste from landfill

From 2023 to 2027 Veterans Affairs Canada will:

  • develop guidance to support the diversion of construction and demolition waste from landfills.
  • implement procedures to track and disclose waste diversion rates by 2027.
  • reduce the generation of construction and demolition waste.

Program: Real Property and Facilities Management, Materiel Management and Field Operations

Performance indicator:
Percentage of business units, where applicable and feasible, adopting and reporting on construction and demolition waste.

Starting point:
0% of business units have fully adopted construction and demolition waste diversion practices as of March 2027.

0% of business units are accurately tracking/reporting diversion rates as of March 2027.


100% of business units have adopted and are reporting on, where applicable and feasible, non-hazardous operational waste diversion practices by March 2027.

Actions that reduce the generation of non-hazardous operational waste will help to reduce Scope 3 emissions for the production, transport and disposal of material. Diverting waste from landfill reduces landfill gas and transport hauling emissions. Material recovery via recycling reduces emissions for the extraction and production of virgin materials.

Relevant targets or ambitions:

CIF Ambition: Canadians consume in a sustainable manner

CIF Indicator: 12.3.1 Total waste diversion per capita

GIF Target: 12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse

Target: The Government of Canada’s procurement of goods and services will be net-zero emissions by 2050, to aid the transition to a net-zero, circular economy (All Ministers)

Implementation Strategy Departmental Action Performance Indicator Starting Point Target How the Departmental Action Contributes to the FSDS Goal and Target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy and SDGS

Transform the federal light-duty fleet

From 2023 to 2027, Veterans Affairs Canada will:

  • define targets for the Department for the number and types of vehicles that align with Greening Government targets, and embed in each business unit’s 7-year fleet replacement plan.
  • undertake analyses and apply techniques such as telematics to advance fleet right-sizing and the replacement of vehicles with low-carbon intensity vehicles.
  • purchase only zero-emission vehicles or hybrids for executive vehicles.
  • Promote zero idling policy among fleet drivers.

Program: Materiel Management and Field Operations

Performance indicators:
Percentage of light-duty administrative fleet vehicle purchases within eligible categories that are zero-emission vehicles in a fiscal year.

Percentage of business units that have approved 7-year fleet replacement plans.

Starting points: 60% of new light-duty administrative fleet vehicle purchases within eligible categories are to be zero-emission vehicles or hybrids between April 1, 2023 and March 20, 2024.

60% of light-duty administrative fleet vehicle purchases are zero emission vehicles (3-year average; 2023/24 through 2026/27).

100% of business units have approved 7-year fleet replacement plans by 2023.

Purchasing zero emission vehicles reduces greenhouse gas emissions from conventional fleet operations. This enhances sustainable consumption.

Relevant targets or ambitions:
CIF Ambition: 12.1 Canadians consume in a sustainable manner

CIF Indicator: 12.1.1 Proportion of new light duty vehicle registrations that are zero-emission vehicles

GIF Target: 12.1 Implement the 10-year framework of programs on sustainable consumption and production, all countries taking action, with developed countries taking the lead, taking into account the development and capabilities of developing countries

Strengthen green procurement criteria

Departments will use environmental criteria to reduce the environmental impact and ensure best value in government procurement decisions

Program: Procurement

Performance Indicator: Percentage of procurement and materiel management specialists trained in green procurement within one year of being identified

Starting point: In 2022-23, 100% of procurement and materiel management specialists trained in green procurement within one year of being appointed.

Target: will maintain that 100% of procurement officers and material management specialists receive training with one year of being identified.

Green procurement incorporates environmental considerations into purchasing decisions and is expected to motivate suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of the goods and services they deliver, and their supply chains.

Relevant targets or ambitions:
CIF Ambition: Canadians consume in a sustainable manner

CIF Indicator: 12.2.1 Proportion of businesses that adopted selected environmental protection activities and management practices

GIF Target: 12.7 Promote public procurement practices that are sustainable, in accordance with national policies and priorities

Initiatives advancing Canada’s implementation of SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

The following initiatives demonstrate how Veterans Affairs Canada programming supports the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, supplementing the information outlined above.

Planned Initiatives Associated Domestics Targets or Ambitions and/or Global Targets

Maximize diversion of waste from landfill

By 2030, the Government of Canada will divert from landfill at least 75% by weight of non-hazardous operational waste

In order to reach this target, we will evaluate our current recycling program for commonly used items and develop a strategy that can be adapted to our various offices, land (leases, buildings, cemeteries, commemorative properties, landmarks)

Key Steps:

  • Understand and Plan: We’ll examine current waste practices, set a baseline, and create a plan to shift towards a circular economy approach.
  • Educate and Engage: We’ll teach employees and partners about waste reduction, recycling, and circular thinking.
  • Innovate: We’ll support new technologies and methods to tackle waste challenges creatively.
  • Policy and Partnerships: We’ll update rules and collaborate with others to ensure effective waste diversion.
  • Monitor and Adapt: We’ll keep track of progress and adjust strategies as needed.


Less waste in landfills
More responsible resource use
Collaboration for a cleaner Canada

Goal 13: Take Action on Climate Change and its Impacts

Goal 13 has two targets:

  • The Government of Canada will transition to net-zero carbon operations for facilities and conventional fleets by 2050
  • The Government of Canada will transition to climate resilient operations by 2050

The targets are supported by the following four implementations strategies:

  • Apply a greenhouse gas reduction life-cycle cost analysis for major building retrofits (all federal organizations owning real property)
  • Implement the Greening Government Strategy through measures that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve climate resilience, and green the government’s overall operations
  • Modernize through net-zero carbon buildings (all federal organizations owning real property)
  • Reduce risks posed by climate change impacts to federal assets, services and operations (owning real property)

All organizations should assess the current and future risks posed by climate change on the assets they own (buildings, fleets, bridges, roads, wharves, etc.) and their services or operations (programs). Actions taken to reduce the highest risks should also be reported.

Implementation Strategy Departmental Action Performance Indicator Starting Point Target How the Departmental Action Contributes to the FSDS Goal and Target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy and SDGS

Implement the Greening Government Strategy through measures that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve climate resilience, and green the government’s overall operations

Ensure all relevant employees are trained on assessing climate change impacts, undertaking climate change risk assessments, and developing adaptation actions within one year of being identified.

Program: RPFM, Client Services (DSDS to recommend training program)

Performance Indicator: Percentage of relevant employees trained on assessing climate change impacts, undertaking climate change risk assessments, and developing adaptation actions within one year of being identified

Starting point: 0 % in 2022-23 trained

Target: 100% trained by 2025

Performance Indicator: % of total

Trained staff can identify risk to critical program delivery, and develop responses to increase the resilience of operations to impacts of climate change.

CIF Ambition / Target: 13.3 Canadians are well-equipped and resilient to face the effects of Climate change

GIF Targets: 13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries

13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning

Modernize through net-zero carbon buildings

All new buildings (including build-to-lease and public-private partnerships) will be net-zero carbon unless a life-cycle cost-benefit analysis indicates net-zero-carbon-ready construction

Program: RPFM

Performance Indicator: % change in GHG emissions from real property from fiscal year 2005-2006

Starting point: X kt in 2005-2006

Target: 40% reduction by 2025

Actions that rationalize the portfolio, share facilities, reduce the demand for energy or switch to lower carbon sources of energy will lead to reductions in GHGs from real property operations.

Relevant targets or ambitions
CIF Ambition: Canadians reduce greenhouse gas emissions

CIF Indicator: 13.1.1 Greenhouse gas emissions

GIF Target: 13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning

Apply a greenhouse gas reduction life-cycle cost analysis for major building retrofits

Incorporate GHG emissions reduction into the departmental decision-making process using GHG options analysis methodology for major renovations and any other real property project that affects energy consumption.

Program: Internal Services

Performance Indicator: % change in GHG emissions from real property from fiscal year 2005-2006

Starting point: X kt in 2005-2006

Target: 40% reduction by 2025

Actions that rationalize the portfolio, share facilities, reduce the demand for energy or switch to lower carbon sources of energy will lead to reductions in GHGs from real property operations.

Relevant targets or ambitions:
CIF Ambition: Canadians reduce their greenhouse gas emissions

CIF Target: 13.1 - By 2030, reduce Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions by 40 to 45%, relative to 2005 emission levels. By 2050, achieve economy-wide net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.

CIF Indicator: 13.1.1 Greenhouse has emissions

Target: The Government of Canada will transition to climate resilient operations by 2050 (All Ministers)

Implementation Strategy Departmental Action Performance Indicator Starting Point Target How the Departmental Action Contributes to the FSDS Goal and Target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy and SDGS

Reduce risks posed by climate change to federal assets, services and operations

Assess the risk of climate change impacts at mission critical assets and where there are moderate to high risks, develop plans to reduce the risk.

Program: Client Service, Real Property and Facilities Management, European Operations, Commemoration and Field Operations

Performance: % of mission critical assets at moderate to high risk of climate change impacts that have a risk reduction plan

Starting point: X% in 2022-23

Target: Y% by 2026

By assessing the risks of climate change impacts at mission critical assets, and developing plans to reduce the risks, the risk of disruption of critical service delivery to Canadians is reduced.

Relevant targets or ambitions

CIF Ambition/Target: 13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning

Initiatives advancing Canada’s implementation of SDG 13 – Climate Action

The following initiatives demonstrate how Veterans Affairs Canada programming supports the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, supplementing the information outlined above.

Planned Initiatives Associated Domestics Targets or Ambitions and/or Global Targets

Veterans Affairs Canada remains committed to improving our environmental footprint through their participation in the various initiatives of the Treasury Board of Canada. We remain committed to responding to the calls received by ECCC or TBS that request action on a VAC owned file.

SDG 13 - Climate action
TBS Federal Contaminated Sites Inventory and ECCC Species at Risk program

CIF Ambition: We work as a partner with ECCC to provide evidence of VAC’s owned and managed assets demonstrating our commitment to greening operations.