Evaluation of the Career Transition Services Program and the Education and Training Benefit May 2022
Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- 1.0 Introduction
- 2.0 Summary of findings
- 2.1 Relevance
- 2.1.1 What is the relationship between CTS and ETB and between these programs and other VAC programs in the continuum of supports for Veterans? Are these relationships appropriate/ working effectively to meet Veterans’ needs?
- 2.1.2 To what extent are the eligibility criteria for CTS and ETB meeting Veterans’ needs?
- 2.1.3 To what extent do Veterans have unmet needs for career transition and/or accessing education or training?
- 2.2 Performance/effectiveness
- 2.2.1 Are the programs achieving the expected/ desired reach?
- 2.2.2 Are there alternative program delivery approaches that could be considered that would increase outcomes for Veterans?
- 2.2.3 How effectively have the programs supported Veterans to meet their personal and professional goals?
- 2.2.4 Were there unexpected outcomes (positive or negative) as a result of receiving services/benefits, including unintended GBA+ related impacts that should be resolved?
- 2.3 Performance/efficiency
- 2.1 Relevance
- 3.0 Conclusions and recommendations
- Appendix A – Evaluation matrix
- This publication is available upon request in alternate formats.