5.0 Conclusion

5.0 Conclusion

VAC continues to meet its responsibility to Veterans through its financial contribution to the cost of long-term care, including contract beds, community beds, and preferred admission beds. The preferred admission beds initiative appears to align with the priorities and objectives of the federal government, as well as VAC, and with the strategic outcomes identified by the Department. The majority of recipients of preferred admission beds are Canadian Armed Forces Veterans who accessed the program due to frailty.

There is a continued need for preferred admission beds, as evidenced by the demand for the beds and waitlists at several facilities. However, the bed distribution across the country is uneven, limited to former VAC hospitals located in urban centres, and not available in all provinces. Although the preferred admission beds initiative was intended as a short-term measure, the initiative is already in its third year. Minimal performance measurement data is being collected, and there is a lack of clarity surrounding authorities. No decisions have been made as to whether the initiative will be continued, modified, or ended.

The current long-term care strategy must be renewed in light of department’s focus on Care, Compassion, Respect, Veteran Centric Service, and Service Excellence towards Veterans.