Basic Program Information

Program 16 - Veterans Emergency Fund

Program Official - Director, Rehabilitation, Financial Well-Being and Business Intelligence

Program Profile

Program Description - The Veterans Emergency Fund provides funding to assist Veterans and their families during times of crisis and when facing emergency financial situations that threaten their health and well-being. Financial emergencies could include (but are not limited to) food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and expenses required to maintain safety and shelter.

Supporting Program - See Annex for logic model.

Program Tags (Metadata):

Whole-of-Government Framework: Economic Affairs – Income security and employment for Canadians

Canadian Classification of the Functions of Government (CCOFOG): Division 710 Social protection; Group 7109 Social protection n.e.c.; Class 71099 Social protection n.e.c

Method of Intervention: Tag 1 Grant

Target Groups: Tag 4 Families; Tag 13 Veterans; Tag 18 Low-income individuals and/or families

Mandate Letter Commitment: MLC 12 The new Veterans Emergency Fund and Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund [Complete].

Core Responsibility: Benefits, Services and Support

Departmental Results: Result 4 Veterans are able to adapt, manage, and cope within civilian life; Result 5 Veterans are satisfied with the services they receive.

List of Transfer Payment Programs under the Program (as applicable)
Name of Transfer Payment End Date Type of transfer payment
Veterans Emergency Fund 2021 Grant

Performance Indicators

Program outputs and/or outcomes
(as appropriate)
(The measure used to assess the performance of an output and/or outcome)
Data Type
(Is the indicator a number, a range, a percentage, a percentage increase, qualitative, etc.?)
Data source
(The primary source of information for the indicator, e.g. survey, database, etc.)
(The frequency of data collection against the indicator, e.g. quarterly, annually, etc.)
(The level of performance the Program plans to achieve within a specified time, e.g. 100% of Canadians. Target must be reflective of the indicator)
Date to achieve target
(The date the target is expected to be achieved by)
(Ranges of values, often tied to a colour coding system, used to provide a visual assessment of performance – e.g. 100% - 75% [Green], 74%-60% [Yellow], etc.)
Data owner
(The organization and position responsible for data collection)
(Describe how the indicator will be measured, including calculations, baselines the definitions of variables and key terms used)


Effectiveness Indicators


Outcome 1 (Ultimate): Veterans are able to adapt, manage and cope within civilian life. [DRF]

Indicator 1: % of Veterans who report an easy adjustment to civilian life

Data Type: %

Data source: LASS Survey

Frequency: Every 3 years

Target: 55%

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2020

Thresholds: Green ≥55%, Yellow 54% - 50%, Red <50%

Data owner: Research Directorate

Methodology: Explanation/rationale: Adjustment to Civilian Life is a single-item ordinal measure with five levels. A similar question was used in a study of retired US Navy officers (Spiegel 2003). Based on pre-testing conducted prior to Life after Service Study (LASS) 2010, it was adapted to use wording compatible with the other single item measures in the general module. It was used in LASS 2010, 2013 and 2016. Formula/calculation: The indicator includes those who responded Moderately easy or Very easy divided by the total responses. Measurement Strategy: This indicator will be collected through the Life After Service Survey (LASS) that includes Regular Forces Veteran clients and non-clients who released from 1998 to 2015. The indicator is based on the following question: In general, how has the adjustment to civilian life been since you were released from the Canadian Forces? Very difficult, Moderately difficult, Neither, Moderately easy, Very easy. Baseline: 52% of Regular Force Veterans (LASS 2016)


Outcome 2: Veterans and their families are financially secure [DRF] and [TB sub]

Indicator 2: % of Veterans who are satisfied with their financial situation

Data Type: %

Data source: LASS Survey

Frequency: Every 3 years

Target: 70%

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2020

Thresholds: Green 100% - 70%, Yellow 69% - 65%, Red <65%

Data owner: Research Directorate

Methodology: Explanation/rationale: Satisfaction with finances is a single-item ordinal measure with five levels. It is an important measure of financial security and includes reductions in income that do not result in low income, future prospects, savings and debt. Formula/calculation: The indicator includes those who responded Very satisfied or Satisfied divided by the total responses. Measurement Strategy: This indicator will be collected through the Life After Service Survey (LASS) that includes Regular Forces Veteran clients and non-clients who released from 1998 to 2015. The indicator is derived from one question: How satisfied are you with your financial situation? Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Satisfied, Very satisfied. Baseline: 69% of Regular Force Veterans (LASS 2016); 78% of Veteran clients (2017 VAC National Survey) Notes/definitions: While the main data source will be the LASS, this indicator will also be monitored through the VAC National Survey which is every two years and includes war service (WWII and Korean War) and Canadian Armed Forces (Veterans and members) in receipt of benefits and services from VAC (last survey completed in 2017). LASS 2016 included Regular Force Veterans only.


Outcome 3: Veterans are satisfied with the services they receive [DRF]

Indicator 3: % of clients who are satisfied with the quality of service delivery they receive from Veterans Affairs Canada

Data Type: %

Data source: VAC National Survey

Frequency: Every 2 years

Target: 80%

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2020

Thresholds: Green 100% - 80%; Yellow 79% - 75%; Red <75%

Data owner: Rehabilitation, Financial Well-Being and Business Intelligence

Methodology: Explanation/rationale: Satisfaction with the quality of service delivery is a single-item ordinal measure with five levels. Quality is one of the three types of service standards (Timeliness, Quality and Accessibility), and through the October 2017 mandate letter to the Minister of Veterans Affairs, VAC has been mandated to "Deliver a higher standard of service and care". Client satisfaction with service quality is an important predictor of satisfaction with service. Formula/calculation: The indicator includes those who responded Very satisfied or Satisfied divided by the total responses. Measurement Strategy: This indicator will be collected through the VAC National Survey which includes VAC Clients (Veterans, still serving members, RCMP and survivors) who had contact with VAC over the previous 12 months. The indicator is derived from one question: How satisfied are you with the quality of service delivery? Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Satisfied, Very satisfied. Baseline: 81% of clients (VAC National Survey 2017)


Outcome 4: (Intermediate): Veterans are referred to resources that assist them to manage their finances [GC InfoBase] [TB Sub]

Indicator 4: % of Veterans who received referrals to other services

Data Type: %

Data source: CSDN Database

Frequency: Annually

Target: 75%

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2020

Thresholds: ≥75% [Green], 74% - 70% [Yellow], <70% [Red]

Data owner: Statistics Directorate

Methodology: Rationale: Measuring the percentage of Veterans, Spouses/Common-law Partners, Survivors and Orphans who received a referral to other services will help VAC to understand the other services that Veterans and their families may benefit from in addition to the emergency funds. Formula/calculation: Referrals provided for VEF applicants, both to VAC programs and services and to programs and services provided outside of VAC, are tracked in CSDN as check boxes. Measurement strategy: Using VAC's Reporting Database (RDB), VAC will measure this indicator through the collection of the number of applications and the percentage of these applicants with one or both referral boxes checked. Baseline: A baseline indicator/measure will be set, based on uptake of the VEF between April 1, 2018 and April 1, 2020.


Outcome 5: (Immediate): Veterans payments are made in a timely manner [GC InfoBase] [TB Sub]

Indicator 5: % of payments issued within 2 business days of approval

Data Type: %

Data source: CSDN Database

Frequency: Quarterly

Target: 80% of payments are issued within 2 business days of approval

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2019

Thresholds: Green ≥80%, yellow 79% - 75%, Red <75%

Data owner: Statistics Directorate

Methodology: Explanation/rationale: Measuring the % of payments issued within 2 business days of approval will help VAC ensure it is addressing the urgent issues facing Veterans and their families in a prompt and timely manner. Given that emergencies are by their very nature time sensitive, VAC's ability to respond quickly will be a key factor in ensuring the VEF meets its goals of helping Veterans and their families when dealing with unexpected emergencies. Formula/calculation: The calculation to determine % of payments issued within 2 days will be done by comparing all the approval date with the payment date made, and determining what % of them were made within 2 business days of being approved. Measurement strategy: All VEF approvals will be noted in CSDN. Those dates contained will be cross-referenced by Program Management against the data on the payment dates by VAC Finance to calculate what % were made within 2 business days of an approval. Baseline: The intention is for 80% of payments to be made within 2 business days of approval. Notes/definitions: First survey will begin in in first quarter of 2018


Outcome 6: Veterans and their families utilize the VEF [TB Sub] and [GC InfoBase]

Indicator 6: # of Veterans and families who receive a VEF payment

Data Type: #

Data source: CSDN database

Frequency: Annually

Target: TBD based upon uptake

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2021

Thresholds: TBD March 31, 2020

Data owner: Statistics Directorate

Methodology: Explanation/rationale: Measuring the # of Veterans and their families who utilize the Veterans Emergency Fund will help VAC to understand the volume and frequency of urgent financial issues facing our clients. This information will inform VAC and government with important information on the ability of the VEF to address the needs of VAC's clients who are facing unforeseen financial emergencies. Formula/calculation: The calculation to determine how many Veterans and their families utilized the fund will be based on the total # of Veterans Emergency Fund applications approved in a fiscal year. Measurement strategy: Using VAC's Reporting Database (RDB), VAC will measure this indicator through the collection of the number of applications approved for the Veterans Emergency Fund within a fiscal year. Baseline: A baseline indicator/measure will be set, based on uptake of the VEF between April 1, 2018 and April 1, 2020.


Efficiency Indicators


Output 1: Decisions

Indicator 7: # of VEF Decisions Rendered (excluding withdrawal of application)

Data Type: #

Data source: CSDN Database (RDB)

Frequency: Quarterly

Target: TBD based upon uptake

Date to achieve target: TBD based upon uptake

Thresholds: TBD March 31, 2020

Data owner: Statistics Directorate

Methodology: Explanation/rationale: Measuring the volume of work in a business area provides VAC with an understanding of the resources required to deliver the program. Formula/calculation: The indicator includes decision dockets in CSDN for approved, partially approved, declined and withdrawn VEF applications. Measurement strategy: Decision outcomes regarding VEF applications are recorded in CSDN. Baseline: Will be established March 31, 2020


GBA+ Indicators


Outcome 7: Veterans have equitable access to VAC programs and services

Indicator 8: % breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population

Data Type: %

Data source: Client Services Delivery Network (CSDN)

Frequency: Annually

Target: N/A

Date to achieve target: N/A

Thresholds: N/A

Data owner: Statistics Directorate

Methodology: Explanation/ Rationale: Self-reporting of an individual’s establishes female/ male uptake of programs and services compared to the estimated Veteran population. Formula/ Calculation: The indicator includes those who self-reported as being female/ male divided by the total responses. Measurement Strategy: This indicator will be collected through Client Services Delivery Network (CSDN) data. Baseline: TBD

Indicator 9: % breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population

Data Type: %

Data source: Client Services Delivery Network (CSDN)

Frequency: Annually

Target: N/A

Date to achieve target: N/A

Thresholds: N/A

Data owner: Statistics Directorate

Methodology: Explanation/ Rationale: Self-reporting of an individual’s sex establishes female/ male uptake of programs and services compared to the estimated Veteran population; further broken down by age. Formula/ Calculation: The indicator includes those who self-reported as being female/ male and their age divided by the total responses. Measurement Strategy: This indicator will be collected through Client Services Delivery Network (CSDN) data. Baseline: TBD

Indicator 10: % breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status

Data Type: %

Data source: Client Services Delivery Network (CSDN)

Frequency: Annually

Target: N/A

Date to achieve target: N/A

Thresholds: N/A

Data owner: Statistics Directorate

Methodology: Explanation/ Rationale: Self-reporting of an individual’s sex establishes female/ male uptake of programs and services compared to the estimated Veteran population; further broken down by marital status. Formula/ Calculation: The indicator includes those who self-reported as being female/ male and their marital status divided by the total responses. Measurement Strategy: This indicator will be collected through Client Services Delivery Network (CSDN) data. Baseline: TBD

Indicator 11: % breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban)

Data Type: %

Data source: Client Services Delivery Network (CSDN)

Frequency: Annually

Target: N/A

Date to achieve target: N/A

Thresholds: N/A

Data owner: Statistics Directorate

Methodology: Explanation/ Rationale: Self-reporting of an individual’s sex establishes female/ male uptake of programs and services compared to the estimated Veteran population; further broken down by community. Formula/ Calculation: The indicator includes those who self-reported as being female/ male and their community divided by the total responses. Measurement Strategy: This indicator will be collected through Client Services Delivery Network (CSDN) data. Baseline: TBD

Transfer Payment Program Indicators (Where the Program includes one or more transfer payment programs. If the entire Program is one transfer payment program and the information is presented in the above rows, this section may not be required.)

N/A – Entire program is one transfer payment program.

Description Mitigation
There is a risk that…  

Evaluation Needs

Program and Administration Expenditures
Expenditure Type 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 % Variance
Program Expenditures            
Administration Expenditures            
Total Expenditures            
Administrative Costs as %of Total Costs            

Planned Evaluations

The drivers and rationale for evaluation

  • The Veterans Emergency Fund must be evaluated after three years to assess the success of the program. This was a TB requirement when funding was approved.
  • VAC will conduct a combined impact and delivery evaluation that will assess relevance and performance.

Resources for Evaluation

  • Estimate 1 AED Manager and 1 AED Officer

Date of planned evaluation

  • 2020-21

Additional Information

List of Relevant Approved Evaluations Related to the Program
Completed Evaluations - Title of the evaluation(s) Date evaluation(s) was/were completed
List of Relevant External Studies Related to the Program
External Studies Related to the Program: Title of the Study Citation Information
List of Relevant Major Projects Related to the Program (as appropriate)
Project name Description
List of Services Related to the Program (as appropriate)
Service name Description
List of Horizontal Initiatives Related to the Program (as appropriate)
Name of horizontal initiative Lead department(s) Federal partner organization(s) Start date of the horizontal initiative End date of the horizontal initiative

Government-Wide Policy Considerations


A GBA+ assessment was undertaken during the developmental phases of the VEF to anticipate and better understand the impact the Veterans Emergency Fund (VEF) will have on different groups within the Veteran population.

The foremost consideration was with respect to the characteristics of the population who will most likely require the benefit. Although the VEF is a new benefit within VAC’s suite of benefits and services, VAC currently administers a number of trust funds created through public donations and bequests to the Department on Veterans’ behalf. However, these funds frequently have narrow eligibility criteria and are not available to all those in need—for example, the recipient must reside in a specific city or have fought in a specific military conflict. This is due to the fact that those making the bequest to create the funds determine the associated criteria that VAC must respect and apply.

As a result, the eligibility for the VEF has been designed to be broad and address needs within the whole Veteran population, regardless of sex, age, race, orientation, family status or disability. These factors were considered when designing the program to ensure the best outcomes for the largest number of Veterans and their family members.

Logic Model – Veterans Emergency Fund
Program objective
To provide funding and to assist Veterans and their families during times of crisis and when facing emergency financial situations that threaten their health and well-being.
  • Provide information
  • Determine entitlement
  • Process payments
  • Provide referrals
  • Payments
  • Referrals
Immediate Outcomes
  • Veterans and their families utilize the VEF.
  • Veteran’s payments are made in a timely manner.
Intermediate Outcomes
Veterans are referred to resources that assist them to manage their finances.
Ultimate Outcome
Veterans are able to adapt, manage, and cope within civilian life.