1.0 Introduction and Organizational Context

1.0 Introduction and Organizational Context

As outlined in Veterans Affairs Canada's (VAC's) Departmental Results Framework, the department's programs/activities are carried out through three core responsibilities:

  1. Benefits, Services and Support: supports the care and well-being of Veterans and their dependents or survivors through a range of benefits, services, research, partnerships and advocacy.
  2. Commemoration: pays tribute to the sacrifices and achievements of those who served in Canada's military efforts.
  3. Veterans Ombudsman: provides an independent and impartial review of complaints and issues related to programs and services delivered by the Veterans Affairs Portfolio and upholds the Veterans Bill of Rights.

This overarching evaluation focuses on core responsibility number two, Commemoration. VAC's commemorative responsibility is delivered through the Canada Remembers Program and the Funeral and Burial Program. These programs were recently assessed through two evaluations: the Evaluation of Commemorative Benefits and Services; and the Evaluation of Public Recognition and Awareness.

VAC's commemorative responsibilities are identified in the Government of Canada Remembrance Policy, which defines remembrance as “honouring and commemorating the sacrifices, achievements and legacy of those who served in Government of Canada sanctioned wars, conflicts, peacekeeping and aid missions, in both military and civilian capacities”. The primary responsibility for implementing this policy resides with the Minister of Veterans Affairs. Appendix A outlines VAC's commemorative responsibilities as listed in the Government of Canada Policy on Remembrance.

During fiscal year 2016-17, VAC's Commemoration core responsibility:

  • utilized 91 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs), representing 3.45% of VAC's total 2,636 FTEs;
  • had total expenditures (program and operating) of $55,553,811, representing 1.5% of VAC's annual expenditure of $3,702,281,327.Footnote 1

Further details on VAC FTEs and expenditures for fiscal years 2011-12 through 2016-17 can be found in Appendix B.