7.0 Management/Organizational Structure

7.0 Management/Organizational Structure

Interviews conducted during previous program evaluations highlighted inefficiencies as a result of having two directors general, the Director General, Commemoration and the Director General, European Operations. This resulted in additional briefings and approval layers for programs/initiatives, adding complexity to the decision making process.

In August 2017, organizational changes were implemented within the Commemoration Division. The Director General position for European Operations was replaced by a Director, European Operations, reporting to the Director General, Commemoration. This change should help to alleviate concerns identified during the previous program evaluations.

VAC’s Audit and Evaluation Division recently completed an Audit of Governance at VAC. The audit found that an approach/framework is required in order to improve organizational integration and communication. This finding aligns with the program/process integration issues that the evaluation notes are occurring between Strategic Policy and Commemoration Branch and the Service Delivery Branch.

Opportunity for Improvement

Commemoration is one of three core responsibilities identified in VAC’s Departmental Results Framework (Appendix C). As such, activities and projects relating to Commemoration should be considered as key priorities for the department. Through an analysis of Records of Decisions for the period 2013-2017, the evaluation team found that Commemoration-related decisions and updates are not being brought forward to VAC’s Senior Management CommitteeFootnote 8 on a regular basis. The results of this analysis, as well as information gained through key informant interviews, leads the evaluation team to find that there should be increased discussion/awareness of commemoration initiatives across departmental branches/divisions, including at the senior management table. VAC should undertake efforts to:

  • pursue a standing agenda item at VAC’s Senior Management Committee meetings for commemoration-related strategic direction; and
  • develop an approach to enhance the awareness and understanding of commemoration programs and activities across all branches/divisions within the department.