Plans at a glance

Plans at a glance

At Veterans Affairs, we support the well-being and recognition of Canada’s Veterans and their families. We define well-being as a satisfied and fulfilled Veteran with purpose, who is financially secure, safely housed, in good health physically and mentally, able to adapt to change, a part of their community, proud and aware of their legacy, and who is valued and celebrated.

The impact of the current global pandemic can be seen and felt on both a personal and professional level. We have been working to ensure Veterans and others served continue to receive the quality of care they expect and deserve. This report provides an overview of our plans for 2021–22; however, we recognize that these may be altered or changed given the developing pandemic situation.

Highlights for 2021–22

  • Deliver quality services and commemorative activities.
  • Implement Budget 2020 initiatives and prepare to implement Budget 2021 initiatives.
  • Continue to streamline automated options and find more opportunities to use this technology to improve wait times.
  • Continue the work outlined in the Minister’s mandate letter commitments.

Deliver on our Mission

  • Reduce wait times;
  • Support our most vulnerable Veterans (mental health, employment, homeless); and,
  • Recognize/commemorate all Veterans.

Veterans and their families have earned the respect and gratitude of all Canadians, and the Government of Canada places priority on making sure they have the support and services they need, when and where they need them.

We strive to provide exemplary services and benefits to Canada’s Veterans, working quickly to respond to their needs with care, compassion and respect. We recognize that the backlog continues to be an issue and we are committed to implementing technologies and processes that help to reduce wait times. This is in addition to the nearly $200M invested to hire additional staff and to develop dedicated Spike Teams to address the backlog.

We are committed to honouring the sacrifices and achievements of all those who served in Canada’s military efforts. We will continue to make sure that memorials, cemeteries and gravemarkers are preserved and cared for, and engage Canadians in remembrance through various national and international events, learning resources and commemorative projects.


Highlights for 2021–22

  • Build on what we have today while recognizing future opportunities.
  • Continue to explore and apply a “digital first, with support” approach.
  • Use new technologies to help address the disability application backlog.

Modernize, Improve and Adapt

  • Increase use of automation/digitization;
  • Improve business processes; and,
  • Support remote work.

To ensure we meet the varying needs of Veterans and their families, we are continuously evolving and adapting what we do and how we do it by implementing new processes, increasing automation, leveraging technology and focusing on improving service delivery.

Every effort is made to improve service to Canada’s Veterans and their families. As the Veteran population continues to change, we must respond with individualized support and efficient processes. We continue to make progress in providing online information and services, and plans to continue those efforts through 2021–22.


Highlights for 2021–22

  • Continue to enhance onboarding practices and develop an integrated learning strategy.
  • Focus on work-life balance and health of staff.
  • Ensure a strong performance management approach.

Care for our People

  • Protecting the safety of our employees;
  • Supporting flexibility; and,
  • Providing tools needed to adapt and work differently.

Employees at VAC are dedicated to delivering services and benefits to Veterans and their families with care, compassion and respect. We are committed to creating a workplace that empowers employees with authority to make decisions and gives them the tools they need to provide excellent service. We value teamwork, and promote discussion and open communication to create a positive workplace where employees feel appreciated.

The pandemic has brought about many changes, including a more digitally-focused work environment, reduced office occupancy and a continued need to leverage remote work in the interests of employee health and safety. Despite these changes, our ability to deliver for Veterans has not been impacted.

For more information on our plans, priorities and planned results, see the “Core responsibilities: planned results and resources” section of this report.