Results at a glance

Results at a glance
Results at a glance - Text
Who was involved?
3,455 full-time equivalent employees... including many new hires, most of whom provided direct service to Veterans and their families
What funds were used?
$4.8 billion: more than 90% of which was paid to Veterans, their families, and other program recipients
Results highlights
  • We published the Timely disability benefits decisions: Strategic direction for improving wait times report and made progress on putting our plan into action.
  • We decreased the number of applications waiting more than our 16 week service standard by 31%.
  • We provided financial support through the Veterans Emergency Fund on 787 occasions for 622 Veterans and their families.
  • We marked significant military anniversaries virtually and introduced the Faces of Freedom podcast series.
  • We established a $20M Veterans’ Organization Emergency Support Fund to help Veterans’ organizations maintain operations during the pandemic.
  • We rolled out the new Service Health Record Search Tool and the Case Management Assessment Tool.

For more information on our plans, priorities and results achieved, see the "Results: what we achieved" section of this report.