

The Department places the highest priority on ensuring that Veterans and their families have the support and services they need when and where they need them. This includes ensuring that encounters with VAC staff are conducted in a respectful and compassionate way. The distress this situation has caused to those involved and the Veteran community as a whole cannot be underestimated. The Department deeply regrets what transpired and takes very seriously issues related to MAiD and Veterans’ well-being. The steps taken through this investigation and the changes being implemented will serve to maintain the trust of the Veteran community.

Through its comprehensive investigation, the Department has confirmed the four cases isolated to a single employee who is no longer with the Department. Each additional allegation that has been brought forward to date has also been thoroughly investigated and confirmed to be unfounded. The Department remains open to hearing from Veterans and stakeholders and encourages anyone with information to come forward. VAC will continue talking with Veterans and employees about this issue and will follow up on any new information or requests that it receives. Any Veteran who is not comfortable bringing an issue forward to the Department should contact the Office of the Veterans’ Ombud.

VAC staff are the Department’s greatest asset. The Department is concerned that these incidents, isolated to one employee, may cause Veterans to hesitate in reaching out to the Department. Veterans Affairs Canada staff remain committed to ensuring a continued, high standard of service and care for Veterans and their families. The new and strengthened quality assurance processes put in place, combined with increased staff training and guidance, will help to prevent this type of situation from happening again. The Department will do everything in its power to maintain Veterans’ trust in Veterans Affairs Canada.