Final Report Summary: Centre of Group Counselling and Trauma

Recipient: Centre of Group Counselling and Trauma
Project: Veterans Transition Training Centre
Province: British Columbia
Period: Fiscal year 2018-2019
Funding: $250,000.00


The University of British Columbia (UBC)'s Centre of Group Counselling and Trauma focuses on group-based counselling research and delivery by assessing and treating clients, community engagement, and training clinicians in group counselling sessions interventions. UBC established the Veterans Transition Training Centre (VTTC) to train psychologists, clinicians and other medical professionals currently working with Veterans and their families.

Project Goals:

The goals for this project included the following items:

  • Training and Model development outcomes
    • Facilitate level 1, 2, and 3 training for clinicians working with Veterans and their families
      • Deliver level 1 training eight times per year
      • Refine and deliver level 1 and 2 training models four times per year
      • Develop and deliver level 3 training program two times per year
  • Research and Innovation outcomes
    • Publish training models in peer reviewed journals
    • Present findings at relevant conferences
    • Support clinicians that come for trainings to publish their lessons learned
  • Model and Veteran Support Hub on Campuses outcomes
    • Launch a Veterans Support Hub at UBC 2018
    • Present a model of best practices in supporting Veterans’ entrance into post-secondary institutions
    • Publish Veterans Support model

Project Activities:

The project activities included the following tasks:

  • Publish clinical handbooks for level 1, 2, and 3 trainings
  • Interactive website for clinician online learning
  • Advertise and recruit clinicians working with Veterans and military populations
  • Hold regular idea labs that bring clinicians, researchers, and students together in order to foster research clusters to produce innovation and research
  • Achieve knowledge translation through a web presence, traditional media, and publications
  • Contribute to a culture of research publication within the Centre of Group Counselling and Trauma
  • Continue work already done at UBC to launch Veterans Support Hub
  • Present model at Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR) 2018
  • Develop protocol to identify all military and Veterans attending universities

Project Results:

The Centre of Group Counselling and Trauma was able to achieve the following results throughout their project:

  • Facilitated level 1, 2, and 3 training for clinicians working with Veterans and families.
    • Level 1 training completed in October 2018, November 2018, January 2019. When training moved online in 2020, 400 people registered.
    • Level 2 training completed in September 2018, December 2018. When training moved online in 2020, 350 people registered.
    • Level 3 Completed Training: Completed in person in 2020 by the Veterans Transition Network, with materials developed by UBC. When training moved online, 270 people registered.
    • 400+ unique visitors registered for online clinical training via the DDL site.
  • Uploaded basic training onto DDL site for clinicians to access while waiting for in-person training to resume.
  • Created online self-paced trainings that are ongoing and available in 3 languages.
  • Presented findings at CIMVHR 2018 and 2019 to senior stakeholder meeting.
  • Supported clinicians that come for trainings to publish their lessons learned. Feedback is being solicited on an ongoing basis.
  • Launched a new Legion branch at UBC to support Veterans on Campus. In 2023, the Veterans Transition Centre will be built, which includes 37 units of housing, social space for the Legion, and potentially clinical care space on the ground floor.
  • Presented a model of best practices in supporting Veterans’ entrance into post-secondary institutions. The U of A consortium has been established and all lessons learned have been shared by UBC staff.