Final Report Summary: Les YMCA du Québec

Recipient: Les YMCA du Québec
Project: Gym Alternatif pour les vétérans (The Alternative Gym for Veterans)
Province: Quebec
Period: Fiscal year 2018-2019
Funding: $67,057.90


The Alternative Gym aimed to address isolation and promote the social reintegration of at least 20 Veterans experiencing or who are at risk of homelessness by providing accessible, inclusive and supervised sports opportunities and support. The goal was to increase confidence, pride, physical and mental health, and general well-being of participants.

Project Goals:

During the one-year project, the organization’s goals were to:

  • Offer fitness and sports activities to at least 20 Veterans;
  • Contact and meet with organizations such as shelters and Veterans’ associations to promote the service and develop partnerships with the aim of reducing homelessness among Veterans;
  • Have a positive impact on the health of the Veterans participating in the activities; and
  • Offer support and guidance to help improve the well-being of Veterans and their families.

Project Activities:

During the sport periods, the facilitator welcomed the participants, facilitated and supervised the activities, provided psychosocial interventions and had the participants fill out a questionnaire in order to be able to evaluate the impact of their participation in sport activities. They reached out to over 30 individuals and organizations and contacted various groups to promote their service.

Project Results:

  • The organization successfully reached nine at risk Veterans willing to meet with the advocate in charge.
  • They supported 150 participants in their gym activities and accompanied them through their journey, which helped participants improve their overall well-being. They assisted participants with their search for housing, connection with other organizations, donation of food or clothing, support in planning personal projects, and prevention of consumption.