Final Report Summary: Respect Campaign

Recipient: RESPECT Campaign
Project: Respect Forum Initiative
Province: Quebec
Period: Fiscal year 2018-2019
Funding: $34,000


The RESPECT Campaign Works to support homeless Veterans and those suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by publicizing events and raising awareness to the general public. RESPECT created the Respect Forum Initiative to address the issue of homeless Veterans. To raise awareness and support, the initiative has aimed to hold forums in 11 or more Canadian cities twice per year.

Project Goals:

  • Identify organizations that support Veterans and families through a national scan;
  • Bring the organizations together in local Forums, for the purpose of developing relationships and enhancing opportunities for collaboration among them;
  • Prepare and disseminate summary reports of local activities for distribution through the Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) collaborative space to further enhance cross-community engagement and collaboration;
  • Conduct annual surveys to identify trends, to help support intra-community communications, inter-organizational collaboration and academic research;
  • Use VAC collaborative space for “Spotlights on Successes” and encouraging the promotion of best practices and production of guidelines for volunteers.

Project Activities:

  1. Through national scans and forums, identify and build a list of between 750 and 1,000 organizations that can work together across Canada to better support our Veterans and families;
  2. Deliver forums in 11 cities, one to two times per year over two years (44 events);
  3. Capture and share twenty-two summaries (one from each forum) through the VAC collaborative space to foster national knowledge sharing. Summary distributed to the participants to enhance further engagement and collaboration;
  4. Produce a developmental evaluation to identify trends, and support both intra and inter-community exchanges of knowledge and experience. The developmental evaluation to be shared nationally as a cross pollination of ideas and inspiration;
  5. Provide five or more “Spotlights on Successes” of cases that demonstrate means to enhance delivery for Veterans and their families. The forums note takers work to capture success stories of collaborative relationships and their impacts and the facilitator foster local knowledge sharing.

Project Results:

464 people attended forum meetings and 322 surveys were completed. Eighty-nine people who completed surveys provided contact information for follow-up, and seven indicated they would provide additional feedback on their own via email or post. Analysis of these surveys, as well as follow-up feedback, is expected to yield a rich corpus of findings.

RESPECT Campaign was funded again in 2019 for three fiscal years. The work initiated in the 2018 fiscal year is continuing through fiscal year 2021-2022.