Final Report Summary: Vanier Institute of the Family

Recipient: Vanier Institute of the Family
Project: Early Learning and Childcare Professionals and Practitioners Working with Military and Veteran Families
Province: Ontario
Period: Fiscal year 2018-2019
Funding: $58,525


The Vanier Institute of the Family is an organization that seeks to understand how Canadian families are impacted by, and interact with, social, economic, environmental and cultural forces. The funding they receive from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund was used to support their Early Childhood Educators program working with Veterans and their families.

Project Goals:

The goal of this project was to increase military literacy among more than 100,000 Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) professionals. This project aimed to encourage coordination among agencies, institutions, and various levels of government by providing resources to Canadian ELCC professionals to allow them to better understand the experiences of military and Veteran families in their communities.

Project Activities:

  • Form development team
  • Develop resource text
  • Create resource graphics
  • Translate resource
  • Launch event
  • Dissemination
  • Evaluate resource reach
  • Evaluate research effectiveness

Project Results:

Increased military literacy among Early Learning and Child Care professionals and practitioners, the main goal of this project, was achieved through the creation of a published resource designed with these professionals in mind. A launch event was coordinated to coincide with the Families in Canada Conference at the Infinity Centre in Ottawa. This event was part of the broader Families in Canada Conference that had participation of 250+ delegates who received copies of the publication. The event reached over 170,000 English and 30,000 French impressions on social media. Following the launch, the national Early Childhood Educators Conference was held in Vancouver with more than 300 professional delegates receiving copies of the publication. Hard copies of the resource were also sent to each Military Family Resource Centre to assist with engagement in their 32 communities across Canada.