Final Report Summary: Calian Group Ltd.

Recipient: Calian Group Ltd.
Project: Are Veterans and/or their families aware of the well-being services available to them?
Province: Ontario
Period: Fiscal year 2019-2020
Funding: $32,500


With funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund, Calian Group Ltd. in Ottawa, ON, conducted a study in order to create a reference guide for physicians and other medical professionals who work with Veterans and their families.

Project goals:

The goal of this project was to help Veterans and their families become aware of the health services available to them.

Project activities:

To achieve this goal, Calian Group Ltd.:

  1. Updated ethics application for gathering research with Queen’s University;
  2. Conducted virtual studies at three different locations across Canada; and,
  3. Created reference guides based on the study findings.

Project results:

With the research gathered from this study, Calian Group Ltd. was able to create two reference guides. One guide was developed for medical specialists who work with Veterans, while the other was developed for Veterans trying to navigate health services available to them.