Final report summary: Prince’s Operation Entrepreneur

Recipient: Prince’s Operation Entrepreneur, a program of Prince’s Trust Canada
Project: Workshop Expansion and Extended Online Learning
Province: Ontario
Period: Fiscal year 2019-2022
Funding: $390, 000


With funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund, Prince’s Operation Entrepreneur increased access to their programming to allow more Veterans and their families to consider entrepreneurship in the safe and supportive company of their peers.

Project goals:

The goal of this project was to allow Veterans and their families to explore entrepreneurship, develop their business ideas, and explore a new purpose.

Project activities:

To achieve this goal, Prince’s Operation Entrepreneur:

  • Increased the accessibility of their workshops through the addition of virtual workshops;
  • Added a pre-workshop component prior to the beginning of the program;
  • Enhanced workshop follow up through the ongoing provision of new content, resources and networking opportunities; and
  • Promoted success stories of Veterans who are using entrepreneurship to enhance their lives and serve their communities.

Project results:

Over the course of this project, Prince’s Operation Entrepreneur supported 1, 153 Veterans and still serving members through the delivery of virtual entrepreneurial workshops and enhanced follow-up support. In doing so, they expanded their reach from 63% to 92% of communities where Veterans reside.

In addition, the organization developed three follow-up programs on the topics of speed networking, buying local, and entrepreneurial resiliency. They created and promoted 14 Veteran entrepreneur success stories demonstrating how Veterans continue to serve across the country.