Final report summary: Serene View Ranch

Recipient: Serene View Ranch
Project: Trauma-Informed Psychological Treatment and Adjunct Therapies for Veterans and their Families
Province: Prince Edward Island
Period: Fiscal year 2019-2020
Funding: $350, 000


Serene View Ranch, located in Stratford, PE, used funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund to pilot new treatment approaches for individual Veterans as well as couples.

Project goals:

The goal of this project was to improve mental health for Veterans and their families, while also supporting Veterans’ social integration into their civilian community and their social environment.

Project activities:

Serene View Ranch:

  1. Developed new trauma-informed programs for Veterans and their families;
  2. Expanded existing programs already available at Serene View Ranch to better meet the needs of Veterans and their families;
  3. Partnered with the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) to complete research on some of the existing programs at Serene View Ranch; and
  4. Expanded the meeting space and hired additional staff to allow for group programs.

Project results:

Serene View Ranch was able to hire new specialists to expand their programs and increase their ability to help with Veteran needs. These included Canadian Certified counsellors, music therapists, and a Doctorate of Psychology student.

Groups and programs were developed including the Stabilization, Grounding and Resiliency Program, Yoga Therapy Program, Yamuna Body Rolling Program, Arts Therapy (Pottery), and a female Veteran equine therapy group. These groups have allowed Veterans to increase their social integration within their community.