Final report summary: Soldier On

Recipient: Soldier On
Project: Veteran Pilot Project
Province: Ontario
Period: Fiscal year 2019-2020
Funding: $250,000.00


The Soldier On Veteran Pilot Project supported Canadian Veterans and members of the Canadian Armed Forces in participating in sport and physical activity to help them overcome mental and physical injuries and illnesses.

Project goals:

The main objectives of this project were to:

  1. Increase awareness of Soldier On programs and services and enhance partnerships and networks in support of ill or injured members.
  2. Expose more Veterans and serving members to the benefits of an active lifestyle through expanded sport and recreational programs.

Project activities:

The project worked towards ensuring 50% of Veteran members and 50% of serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces participated in all Soldier On events by supporting travel and participation costs in up to 50 Soldier On events during 2019-2020.

Project results:

Overall, 337 Veterans attended Soldier On activities with funding support (representing 63% of all Soldier On participants). The project supported Veterans to lead more active lifestyles and helped establish new peer support networks.