Published final report: Helmets to Hardhats

Recipient: Helmets to Hardhats Canada
Project: Helmets to Hardhats Canada
Province: Ontario
Period: Fiscal year 2019-2020
Funding: $160, 000


Helmets to Hardhats Canada, based in Ottawa, used the funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund to assist Veterans with obtaining careers in the construction and maintenance industry through apprenticeship programs and direct hires with registered employers.

Project goals:

The goal of this project was to expand the program reach and place a Veteran or Reservist in an apprenticeship opportunity every three days, nationwide.

Project activities:

To achieve this goal, Helmets to Hardhats:

  1. Increased its interactions with construction apprenticeship coordinators and employers so that more opportunities for Veterans, Reservists and senior Cadets would be advertised; 
  2. Enhanced its website presence by adding more detailed information and posting opportunities more regularly;
  3. Established outreach contacts with various homeless shelters so that program information and opportunities can be shared with homeless Veterans;  
  4. Increased its participation at Second Career Awareness Networking seminars (SCANS) to reach members as they prepared to release;  
  5. Published a bilingual booklet on the program which includes testimonials from Veterans; and
  6. Produced seven short videos to explain and promote the program.

Project results:

During this project, Helmets to Hardhats achieved, on average, a successful placement of 1 Veteran or Reservist into an apprenticeship program every 3.5 days nationwide. Due to COVID-19, the temporary shutdown in March 2020 impacted their ability to achieve the project their goal of one placement every three days.

A total of 104 Veterans were placed into construction opportunities, representing 8 out of 14 trades:

  • Newfoundland and Labrador: 2
  • Nova Scotia: 10
  • New Brunswick: 4
  • Quebec: 5
  • Ontario: 38
  • Manitoba: 1
  • Saskatchewan: 1
  • Alberta: 35
  • British Columbia: 8

Helmets to Hardhats also achieved a 500% increase in the number of visitors to the website and an increase of 520% in the number of individual webpages viewed over the last year.