Final report summary: Quebec Veterans Foundation

Recipient: Quebec Veterans Foundation
Project: Regional deployment
Province: Quebec
Period: Fiscal year 2020-2021
Funding: $65,000.00


The Quebec Veterans Foundations funds therapeutic, social and commemorative programs for Veterans. With funding from the Veteran and Family Well-being Fund, the Foundation developed Veterans’ support programs in partnership with local Veterans organizations in Abitibi, Saguenay, Estrie, Ottawa, and Quebec City.

Project goals:

The goals of this projects were as follows:

  • Increase Veterans’ quality of life by extending activities and wellness services to various regions of Québec;  
  • Encourage positive and productive integration into civilian life; and
  • Ensure Veterans feel like valued community members.

Project activities:

To achieve these goals, the Foundation completed the following:

  • Established an implementation plan, timeline, and budget (in consultation with targeted organizations) to establish supportive services and activities;
  • Assisted the targeted organizations throughout the development of services and activities to ensure successful program delivery;
  • Administered a questionnaire to program participants to assess the quality and benefits of the service or activity; and
  • Increased the number of rural Veterans participating in support services or activities.

Project results:

This project allowed the Quebec Veterans Foundation to engage local organizations in the development of Veterans’ wellness and support programming. Many of the targeted organizations hoped to secure stable funding to continue offering the programs.