Record of discussion - 7 December 2023

7 December 2023
10:00 -15:00 ET Virtual – Microsoft Teams

Advisory Group on Families Members

  • Colonel (Retired) Telah Morrison (Co-Chair)
  • Laryssa Lamrock
  • Laurie Ogilvie, Military Family Services, Canadian Armed Forces
  • Lieutenant Commander (Retired) Charles Gendron, Royal Canadian Legion
  • Namita Joshi, True Patriot Love Foundation
  • Nora Spinks
  • Superintendent (Retired) Dave LeBlanc, RCMP Veterans Association
  • Yvonne Watson

Policy Advisory Group Members

  • Brian Forbes, National Council of Veteran Associations in Canada (Co-chair)
  • Brigadier General (Retired) Joe Sharpe
  • Sergeant (Retired) Kim Hendricken, RCMP Veterans Association


  • Captain (Retired) Dennis Leblanc (Policy Advisory Group Co-chair)
  • Commodore Dan Bouchard, Canadian Armed Forces
  • Jenny Migneault
  • Laurie Ogilvie, Military Family Services, Canadian Armed Forces
  • Lieutenant (Retired) Carolyn Hughes, Royal Canadian Legion
  • Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Robert Bell
  • Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Steven Deschamps
  • Lieutenant Commander (Retired) Lori Buchart
  • Major (Retired) Mark Campbell
  • Master Warrant Officer (Retired) William MacDonald
  • Master Corporal (Retired) Keith McAllister, Veterans UN-NATO Canada
  • Sailor 1st class (Retired) Scott White
  • Sergeant (Retired) Catherine Bergeron
  • Tamara Kleinschmidt, Trenton Military Family Resource Centre
  • Tim Goddard

Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs

  • The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defense
  • Michael Unsworth, Special Assistant

Veterans Affairs Canada Officials

  • Pamela Harrison, Senior Director, Engagement and Events (Co-chair)
  • Mitch Freeman, Director General, Policy and Research (Co-chair)
  • Jeff Gallant, Manager, Engagement and Events
  • Kirstin Sweet, Project Officer, Engagement and Events
  • Noah Ellis, Project Operations Assistant, Engagement and Events


  • Lynn McCloskey, Senior Director, Health Care Programs, Veterans Affairs Canada
  • Naomi LeBlanc, Strongest Families Institute


  • Duane Shippers, Office of the Veterans Ombud

Opening Remarks

The VAC Co-chairs welcomed the two advisory groups, and introduced the members. The Policy Advisory Group members were invited to join the meeting for a joint discussion on priorities with the Minister and to participate in the Veterans Independence Program presentation and discussion.

Land Acknowledgement

The Co-Chair for the Advisory Group on Families gave a land acknowledgement.

The Minister of Veterans Affairs

The Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defense joined the group and spoke to the groups about how their joint areas of focus lend to mutual collaboration moving forward.

Minister Petitpas Taylors shared the key areas of focus she would like to have the Policy and Families advisory groups to work on together, specifically:

  • To develop concrete proposals that would assist the department in improving access to the Veterans Independence Program (VIP); and
  • To examine how the department can improve access to education and training benefits for Veteran’s families.

The Minister will be providing a letter to the group, outlining these priority areas and is looking forward to seeing their recommendations in the near future.

A member expressed that they are thankful for the Minister’s commitment to the advisory groups, especially noting her personal attendance at each meeting.

Veterans Independence Program (VIP)

Lynne McCloskey, Acting Senior Director, Health Care Programs, presented the Veterans Independence Program (VIP) eligibility criteria and benefit allowances for primary caregivers and survivors.

The proceeding discussion included the following remarks from members:

  • The program should be reviewed using a GBA+ lens.
  • Acknowledged gap between the VIP program supports and the long-term care program which the Care and Support AG is working on as a priority. This includes the lack of assisted living between VIP and LTC.
  • Role of children living at home in the provision of VIP services. It isn’t just about a child being able to provide the services but also willing. However, a ‘lack of will’ can exist for many reasons including resulting from unhealthy and negative relationships between family members, making it not the right term to use in this context.

The group agreed that a core principle in their future advice to the Minister will include allowing the Veteran to define who their family is versus following a prescribed definition of family that often seek to exclude versus include. The group then documented the following recommendations for the first priority area on VIP access for families:

  • Round up the maximum amounts for VIP.
  • The maximum rates should be examined; a regional structure should be established, with rates aligned with existing Statistics Canada formulary.
  • There should be no limiting definition to what groundskeeping or housekeeping are considered (to account for the needs of equity-deserving populations).
  • Family members should be given an independent right to apply to certain VAC benefits. This was highlighted in past ACVA studies and OVO reports which could provide analysis into the issue to strengthen recommendations.
  • Assessment criteria for accessing VIP should be the same for every eligible sub-population and families should be the assessed the same way the Veteran is.
  • Remove criteria for low-income status; make the program eligibility based upon individual, physical need, regardless of income.

Record of Discussion

The Advisory Group on Families reviewed the proposed Record of Discussion from the 26—27 September, 2023 meeting. The Record of Discussion was approved, without objection.

Strongest Families Institute

Naomi LeBlanc from the Strongest Families Institute, a Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund recipient, presented on the successes of their family support services. During the discussion, she focused on:

  • Anxiety treatment and parenting support for children of Veterans.
  • The need to provide military specific supports that consider the unique pressures of military service.
  • The high rates of success which their program has, when compared to other types of mental health treatment programs.

Members of the group shared their support and appreciation for the program.

Atlas Institute Family Summit

VAC co-chair is registered to attend Atlas Institute’s Family Summit at the end of January, advisory group members were encouraged to register to attend as well.

Closing Remarks

Following the conclusion of the presentation, the group thanked the presenter. The next meeting date is yet to be determined, but will be communicated to members. The meeting adjourned.