Service after Service: The National Veterans Employment Strategy

What is the National Veterans Employment Strategy?

The National Veterans Employment Strategy (the strategy) is a comprehensive strategy aimed at improving employment opportunities for Veterans in Canada. The strategy is based on the results of consultations with more than 1,200 Veterans and stakeholders and could not have been developed without their valuable feedback and collaboration.

The strategy calls on all levels of government and the private sector to work together to create a more supportive transition experience for members who have proudly served in the Canadian Armed Forces by focusing on four strategic objectives:

  • Improving services and expanding programs for Veterans
  • Creating and recognizing Veteran ready employers
  • Positioning the public service as a leader for Veteran employment
  • Building trusted partnerships

Employment plays a significant role in our well-being. It provides financial stability, fosters social connections, and gives a sense of purpose to our daily lives. We want to make sure all Veterans have the opportunity to find meaningful work after releasing from the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and are able to leverage the skills and qualifications they acquired while in service.

The strategic objectives

Improving services and expanding programs for Veterans

We will be working with other government departments, employers and stakeholders to:

  • promote current employment services that are available for Veterans
  • review current policies and programs and coordinate efforts to improve services
  • develop a digital resource with information and tools for Veterans, employers and partner organizations
  • develop and improve tools that will assist Veterans in translating their military skills to the job market upon release
  • align military jobs and trades with post service equivalencies

Creating and recognizing Veteran friendly employers

To encourage employer engagement in hiring Veterans we will be working on developing criteria to recognize Veteran ready employers. To recognize their efforts, a seal of recognition will be provided to employers for use on their websites and promotional products. We will be making learning materials to educate employers, hiring managers and human resource professionals on the benefits of hiring Veterans.

Positioning the public service as a leader for Veteran employment

More than one-third of Veterans wish to work in public service at the federal, provincial or territorial and municipal levels. We will continue to work with other government departments to improve the Veteran hiring process and promote Veteran hiring in the federal public service through the Public Service Employment Act.

Building trusted partnerships

Building partnerships between government and non-government organizations is essential for providing tailored and effective employment supports for Veterans. We will continue working with non-government organizations, both for profit and not-for-profit, to build a community to share resources, best practices, expertise and networks to support the promotion of Veteran employment and hiring Veterans.


The National Veterans Employment Strategy roadmap – This roadmap highlights the many actions we are working on to help improve employment opportunities for Veterans in Canada.

Career Transition Service - Get career counselling, help with resume writing, and interview preparation to help you find a new career.

Education and Training Benefit – Financial support to help you achieve your education and career goals.

Job bank for Veterans – The resources you need to start your next mission and find your new career.

Jobs in the federal government - We can help you continue to serve your country in the federal public service.

Transition Interview – Before your release, a meeting to provide information on VAC programs and services is available to you and your family.

Vocational rehabilitation – Coaching, support, and any other training you need to return to work or find a new job after an injury.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be any new funding dedicated to this strategy?

At this time, we are launching the strategy with the already dedicated funding and resources.

Were Veterans consulted for this strategy?

Yes, Veterans were consulted. We also consulted a variety of groups and individuals to inform the development of this strategy and identify the most important objectives to focus on. For example, we consulted widely with organizations and individuals such as stakeholders, other government departments, the CAF, Veteran employers, equity-deserving groups, external organizations focused on Veteran employment and post-secondary institutions.

Since Fall 2022, we received input and feedback directly from 1,000 Veterans and organizations via the Let’s Talk Veterans platform survey, responses from approximately 70 employers and consulted with an additional 100 people via roundtables and virtual consultation sessions. We will continue to hold consultations about Veteran employment to shape the strategy as the needs of Veterans change along with Canadian labour market trends.

What was learned during these consultations?

The consultation brought attention to some key points, including the need for ongoing collaboration with the CAF to support serving members to begin planning for their transition earlier on in their careers.

The participants also highlighted a need to improve awareness of VAC programs and supports and to continue to highlight the successes of Veterans who transition to life after service.

In addition, we heard there is a need to assist Veterans and employers translate military skills to civilian skills required for post-military employment with a skills translation tool that can be easily accessed by Veterans and employers.

Read more frequently asked questions about the National Veterans Employment Strategy.