Allan C. Fleury

Mr. Fleury began to work for the Veteran community when he joined The Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) more than 27 years ago. Upon joining the local Branch, he quickly became a member of the Sick and Visiting committee, visiting hospitalized Veterans on a weekly basis. Mr. Fleury was Service Officer of his Branch for 10 years, eventually becoming its Deputy Serving Officer. In this capacity, he has acted as a referral agent on Veterans Appeal Boards, and on numerous occasions, has assisted Veterans' widows and their families with funeral arrangements. As a founding member and current Vice-President of the HMCS Esquimalt Memorial Association, Mr. Fleury helped bring together the association's survivors and family members to its annual service and memorial reunion. A Secretary of the RCL's South Vancouver Island Zone for seven years, Mr. Fleury helped coordinate Veterans' activities on Lower Vancouver Island. In 1992, Mr. Fleury was invited by the Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association to be the Sgt-at-Arms at the first Peacekeeping Memorial Parade in British Columbia and he continues to support the association. He is currently Co-chairman of the Veteran Committee designing a memorial to First World War, Second World War, Korean War and peacekeeping Veterans, which will soon be erected in a new arena in Victoria. While Mr. Fleury is a full-time employee of National Defence, his devotion to Veterans and to their well-being knows no bounds. Mr. Fleury says that his continued efforts to serve Veterans is the expression of his personal gratitude for their sacrifice.