Andrew Robichaud

Andrew Robichaud is 14 years old, and recently completed Grade 9 at Ridley College in St. Catharines, Ontario. Recognizing the need for his peers to remember the sacrifices made by our Veterans, he wrote, produced and narrated a 20-minute documentary on the life of his great uncle, the Honourable Daniel J. MacDonald, former Minister of Veterans Affairs. The Heritage Fair documentary also featured the Second World War contributions of Andrew's grandfather Roland MacDonald, and Andrew's other great uncles Clarence, Walter, and Ronnie. Andrew spent more than a year researching and creating his project, receiving help from dozens of cousins and his great aunt Pauline MacDonald, Highlander Regiments, the Prince Edward Island archives, his history teacher Paul O'Rourke, historian Waldron Leard, and Veterans Affairs Canada. Since its release in May 2011, Mr. Robichaud's documentary has been seen in schools and organizations throughout Canada, the United States and France. Andrew is passionate about remembering the contributions and sacrifices of all those who served. He is a member of the Ridley College Remembrance Day Honour Guard and The Cadet Drum Corps. He has met with Veterans groups and has been an active participant in and supporter of Remembrance Day Ceremonies for all of his life. This past April, Andrew, participated in the 95th anniversary pilgrimage to Vimy Ridge, France which also included onsite war lessons by history teacher Mr. Derek Dunkley, and tours of Second World War historical sites and war cemeteries in Dieppe, Normandy, Juno Beach and the Menin Gate Memorial in Belgium.