Anne-Louise Vick

Cayuga, Ontario

Ms. Vick is the daughter of a Second World War Veteran. After returning home from the war, her father struggled with what is today referred to as post-traumatic stress disorder. He ultimately took his own life in 1963. Since then, she has dedicated her life to the Veteran community, the Royal Canadian Legion and the Hamilton Signals Association. Ms. Vick has been a Legion member for over 30 years, serving as branch secretary, treasurer, Poppy chairman, youth education officer, sergeant-at-arms and service officer. In the towns of Hagersville and Cayuga, she tends to Veterans’ graves, ensures deceased Veterans receive a headstone and maintains a program of hospital visits. Ms. Vick is also a member of the Hamilton Signals Association, elected as Vice President and Director for Veterans’ Services. She ensures all members and returning soldiers are aware of assistance available to them through the Association as well as Parkwood Hospital in London, Ontario. Ms. Vick is a leader and public face for the Signals Association as well as in the Six Nations Reserve.