Archie Steacy

Colonel Steacy retired from the Armed Forces in 1984 and has since been an inexhaustible volunteer in service of his regimental association and Veterans throughout British Columbia. In 2004, Colonel Steacy was the originator and remains the Administrator of the British Columbia Veterans’ Automobile License Program. He has maintained a line of communication with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia to ensure their continued support of the program. He is also President of the British Columbia Veterans’ Commemorative Association, which he founded in 2002. In partnership with Veterans Affairs Canada, this Association undertook the construction of a scale replica of the National War Memorial, which is transported numerous times to locations throughout British Columbia to serve as the centerpiece of commemorative displays. In 2005, Colonel Steacy was instrumental in organizing the Year of the Veteran parade and dinner. He is a member of the City of Vancouver’s Remembrance Day Observance Committee, where he often makes worthy suggestions. Additionally, Colonel Steacy is President of the British Columbia Regiment Association and is particularly active in its museum program.