Barbara Fosdick

Victoria, British Columbia

Barbara Fosdick is a Veteran of the Second World War who served as a gunner attached to the Royal Artillery in England. She was among the first women to help bring down a German plane as it dive-bombed ships in Newcastle Harbour. She is a past president of the Ex Service Women’s Branch 182, which is part of the Royal Canadian Legion in Victoria. Barbara Fosdick is an active volunteer in commemorating Veterans in her community. She has served many years on the God’s Acre Cemetery Candlelight Committee and speaks to youth about her experience during the war. Barbara Fosdick delivers speeches annually at the Royal British Columbia Museum and at local schools. During her tenure as branch president, significant funds were donated as seed money to set up Cockrell House, a residence in Victoria for homeless Veterans. A larger donation was raised to support British Columbia’s only clinic for returning Veterans with post traumatic stress disorder. In 2010, at the age of 86, Mrs. Fosdick was invited to be an Olympic relay torch-bearer representing the Royal Canadian Legion, a role she proudly accepted.