Boris Gurevich

Mr. Boris Gurevich is a survivor of the siege of Leningrad and a participant in the defence of Leningrad during the Second World War. He currently serves as vice-president of the Canadian Association of World War II Veterans from the Soviet Union, an organization he joined in 2006. Since joining the association, Mr. Gurevich has helped Second World War Veterans in a number of ways, including writing letters on behalf of Veterans to negotiate housing with municipal authorities as well as nursing home administrators in support of subsidized rooms for Veterans. Mr. Gurevich also visits sick members of the organization in hospitals, nursing homes, and at home. With Veterans of the organization, Mr. Gurevich has helped many Veterans of the organization with the preparation of documents and application forms for any benefits to which they may be entitled. Mr. Gurevich has also assisted with the organization of many commemorative ceremonies and celebrations, including Victory in Europe Day ceremonies, celebrations of the lifting of the siege of Leningrad, holocaust commemorations and other historical events. He has also organized Veteran’s visits to area schools to educate younger generations on the sacrifices of war. Mr. Gurevich is one of the authors and editor of the “Veterans Book of Memoirs,” published in Toronto in 2010.