Brian Seward

Mr. Seward is a British Veteran of the Second World War. After moving to Canada, he served 28 years in the 6th Field Engineers Squadron. For more than 50 years, Mr. Seward has been actively collecting artefacts associated with the history of the 6th Field Squadron. As there was no facility to store all the artefacts, Mr. Seward donated a portion to CFB Chilliwack, the city of North Vancouver Museum and stored what he could in his own home. His ultimate goal was to have a proper museum to house these historical artefacts. Thanks to Mr. Seward's 50 year determination to acquire space, the Mayor of North Vancouver officially opened the "6th Field Engineer Squadron Museum" on November 11, 2006. Mr. Seward speaks at numerous events and commemorative occasions on military history and peacekeeping missions abroad. He has a long history of working with cadets. Mr. Seward has an extensive knowledge on mounting medals and has made numerous framed military pieces for Veterans. When the Veterans Affairs Canada medal display is in his town, Mr. Seward volunteers his time to explain its significance to the public.