C. George Pollock

Kanata, Ontario

Mr. George Pollock served 38 years with the Canadian Armed Forces. Upon his retirement, he decided to continue serving his community and country by addressing the needs of the Kanata area. Mr. Pollock played a significant role in creating The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 638 by actively contacting Veterans throughout the community to ensure they were aware of the assistance available to them from the Legion branch. His efforts resulted in contacting a number of Veterans living in isolation, some of whom he helped receive benefits to which they were entitled.

Mr. Pollock personally maintains all the Legion building’s equipment without remuneration, which has significantly contributed to the Branch’s financial viability and, in turn, enabled the provision of the branch facilities without cost to both Veterans and military families. As coordinator of the Veterans Foot Care Program, supported by Poppy Fund contributions, he has facilitated the delivery of free foot care for Veterans. Mr. Pollock also collects used walkers and wheelchairs and reconditions them to pass on to Veterans who cannot afford to purchase new equipment.

Mr. Pollock has been heavily involved as a member of the Kanata Legion Branch Colour Party since the establishment of the branch. As a member, he participates in remembrance activities throughout the year in both the Ottawa Valley and the province of Quebec. These activities include community ceremonies of remembrance, participation in nationally televised Ottawa Senators hockey games, visits to the Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre and remembrance services at retirement homes.