Cameron Cathcart

Mr. Cathcart served as a member of the Royal Canadian Artillery before choosing a broadcasting career. He worked with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for 30 years, much of the time as a Parliamentary reporter in Ottawa and foreign correspondent in Washington, D.C. Broadcasting has given him the opportunity to travel the world, including war zones. This has given Mr. Cathcart a deeper appreciation of the contribution and sacrifice of Canada’s Veterans. He has organized numerous events to honour Veterans and current serving members. Mr. Cathcart is the principal organizer and Master of Ceremonies for Vancouver’s annual Remembrance Day Service. He is an active member of the British Columbia Regiment Association as well as a member of The Royal United Services Institute Committee, which oversees the development of Honour House – a hostel for family members visiting Armed Forces personnel undergoing medical treatment in Vancouver. Mr. Cathcart also volunteers his time to assist in the planning committee for The Royal Canadian Navy’s 100th Anniversary in 2010 and for the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in 2014. His extensive experience in broadcasting and knowledge of media procedures has helped ensure Veterans issues and concerns are brought to the forefront of public attention.