Camille Tkacz

Sooke , British Columbia


Ms. Camille Tkacz retired from the Canadian Armed Forces in 2008. Since her retirement, she has remained very active in her community through the Royal Canadian Legion and other organizations. She has served in positions on the Legion’s executive, including as secretary for two years and as service officer since 2011. As service officer, Ms. Tkacz handles approximately twenty to thirty appointments per month. She helps Veterans navigate the sometimes complicated paperwork required when dealing with benefits, health care and housing and answers any other questions they may have. Ms. Tkacz is instrumental in getting forms completed and submitted. As the Legion’s secretary, Ms. Tkacz played a critical role in updating the Emergency Preparedness Services. This was very important, as the Legion is a designated shelter in times of emergency. In support of local community groups, Ms. Tkacz organizes a weekly fundraiser. She also continues to organize the laying of wreaths at Victory in Europe Day and Remembrance Day ceremonies and helps to coordinate the attendance of these events by residents of a local care facility. In addition to her work with the Legion, Ms. Tkacz is the seniors’ outreach coordinator for the local community and volunteers weekly at the local food bank.