Captain John Wojcik

Captain John Wojcik is a serving member of the Canadian Armed Forces. He is nominated for his dedicated service with The Royal Canadian Legion. He has been a member of the Legion for over 22 years, but has always shown an interest and leadership in honouring the contributions of Canadian Armed Forces members.

Even in grade school, he organized Remembrance Day ceremonies for his schools, bringing together Second World War Veterans, cadets, scouts and guides. This led to providing bugle services for his local Legion in rural Nova Scotia for Remembrance Day and funeral services.

As soon as he was able, he joined the Legion and has been an active member at branches all over Canada. He has served as a bugler, a colour party member, Sergeant-at-Arms, Secretary, Membership Chair, Vice President and President.

Captain Wojcik joined Branch 29 in Wainwright, Alberta. He became Secretary in 2017, but by the end of 2017, the branch was in dire straits with only five months of operating revenue remaining. He stepped into the vacant President seat despite his full-time job and involvement with the Cadet program. He, along with other executive members set up a weekly “Steak night,” organized a “Chase-the-Ace” draw and promoted the Legion locally and through the military base. Within the first month, the branch had 12 new members and membership has continued to increase since.

Through his leadership, the bank balance of the Legion grew from just over $5,000 to $28,000 in just a short time. Recently, Captain Wojcik was posted away from Wainwright, but with his leadership, the now lively and active Royal Canadian Legion branch is on solid footing.