Carl Williams

Upper Woodstock, New Brunswick

Mr. Williams is a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran. Since 1982, he has been a member of Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) Branch 11 in Woodstock, and has held a number of executive positions, including president. In his current role as Sergeant-at-Arms, he is the consummate professional, whether on parade, attending funeral services for Veterans or branch functions and meetings. Mr. Williams leads the Remembrance Day services in his hometown and organizes the parade of Veterans and community representatives. His commitment to remembrance has led him to speak to students at local schools, concerning the importance of remembrance and honouring those who have served. Mr. Williams has also written poetry about Veterans and their service. Since 1970, he has been a Cadet Leader for the 318 Woodstock Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps. In 2005, Mr. Williams was awarded Life Membership at RCL Branch 11.