Carolyn Braun

Millville, New Brunswick

Mrs. Braun has an impressive volunteer history dedicated to Veterans and the Veteran community. A Life Member of the Royal Canadian Legion (RCL), she is an Associate Member of Branch 59 in Millville and the Ladies Auxiliary. Mrs. Braun was also on the Executive, fulfilling the role of President for both the Branch and the Ladies Auxiliary for several years. Together with her husband, the late Arden Braun, Mrs. Braun has been instrumental in ensuring that local Veterans are duly recognized for their volunteer and military service. The Brauns accomplish this by going out of their way to ensure that Veterans are made aware, in attendance and recognized at Veterans’ Appreciation Day, through Honours & Awards and other annual commemorative events. Mrs. Braun has also been involved with her local Honours & Awards program. She initiated and Chaired a project to have a granite plaque, inscribed with the names of 21 soldiers lost in battle, featured as a Memorial Wall at her branch. In addition to her service with the RCL, Mrs. Braun has also been a dedicated member of the Millville Area Veterans’ Memorial Committee. Her involvement has revolved around research and fundraising to ensure the memory of all local Veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice during the First and Second World Wars, Korean War and Peacekeeping missions. In 2004, this project was successfully realized when two granite stones, inscribed with these names were added on either side of the existing memorial stone in Millville’s Veterans’ Memorial Park and unveiled.