Catriona (Katie) Hill

Calgary, Alberta

Catriona Hill is nominated for her dedication shown through her organization of the Remembrance Day service in Calgary at the Canadian Pacific Rail Headquarters.

Since taking over these responsibilities in 2008, she has grown the participation in this parade from a few people to over 600 attendees. She has taken charge of making sure various groups attend the ceremony, including local dignitaries, representatives of the Canadian government, the Air and Army Cadet Corps, the Navy League of Canada Cadets, Scout groups, Veterans groups, along with serving members of the Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadian), and 41 Brigade Group Reservists in Calgary. She takes care of all travel and hotel reservations, and she has also arranged the attendance of former military employees of CP Rail from both the United States and Canada, along with their spouses, to participate in the remembrance ceremony.

While she left her employment with CP rail in April 2018, she has continued to organize the ceremony and volunteer on the day of the ceremony.